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Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers: Instant Platinum Save


Getting Known
October 21, 2020
This Save is not my work and i clam no ownership of it. I am uploading it as i notice people have requested a PAL version of the save. So uploaded a PAL version.

Here is a save for an almost instant Platinum. You will unlock 98% of the trophies once you finish any VS match. Then you need to unlock the final trophy. It is very easy as you can do the final trophy in vs against the AI or 2 player. Follow the small tutorial to get 98% of the trophies, then do the last trophy.

Do Not go to the PSN dashboard when you end the fight. If you do,it will stop giving you trophies!!!!

1.Pick battle mode
2.Pick versus mode
3.Pick 1p Vs Com
4.On character select screen just mash x button to pick the characters it defaults to.
5.In battle just mash the square button to beat the crap out of the AI
6.At the end of the fight press x to accept the money and confirm it.
7.Now just wait in game or at the main menu and let all the trophies pop.


Take that! A Crimson Attack! You managed fifteen Scarlet Needle attacks in a single battle as Miro.

The easiest way for this trophy is to do it in a 2-player Versus. Make sure to have the settings for at least 2 rounds and the 2nd player with 100% HP, then in the battle just spam Miro's scarlet needle attack ( button). In case you go with 2 rounds don't pick bronze saints as the enemy since they don't have enough HP to reach 15 scarlet needles (I recommend to fight against a God since they can take up to 9 needles per round).

Do this offline of course.