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US Mortal Kombat 11 [CUSA11395]


November 20, 2020
So, I used this save from thetechgame.com.

I used the save for a couple trophies. A lot more unlock I am sure, but this is what I was able to get.

1. Have we met - Equipt the character intros
2. Skull Kabob - Place any of the 5 heads in the krypt
3. Puppet Master - Do an AI match
4. Victorious - After placing the 5 heads in the krypt
5. Kompetitor - right when you load into an online match it unlocks.
6. Respect - Just watched two people fight and gave respect
7. Psychopath - Do 1 brutality
8. No bad match ups - complete any tutorial challenge

With that being said this save will most likely unlock 125 and 250 towers komplete at once. Also will unlock all the tutorial trophies at the same time.

When you start the game offline and then go online it all still works even though it doesn't show the correct information etc.

On CUSA11395 I am working on the 125 towers atm. Post the save when I am done.

Where I got the save from

Attention Required! | Cloudflare

a direct download link

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This is 100% confirmed? Cuz I have literally been trying to find a save for a couple years to help me with it, and the ones on here are apparently out of date and they don't ever work when I have tried

Considering there are plenty of save posts here with people commenting that they've gotten platinums with for the PS5 version, yes. It's more than confirmed. Are you using Save Wizard or just using the save outright?
So essentially you are going to have to put in quite a bit of effort to get the platinum. For whatever reason it does not instant pop, but you can force some of them to do so. To be honest in my opinion isn't worth the time and effort but I am now working on it myself.

I loaded into crypt and unlocked

1. Skull kabob
2. enough already
3. Spear a hanging body and you will unlock Get over here.
4. Complete the final story mission and you unlock Halfway there and What's Next? Then also Thank you for being a fan once you see the credits.
5. All 3 tutorial trophies unlock once you partially complete one.
6. Victorious by removing the victories and equipping them again.
7. Donate 1000 koins and get Gimme Dat Money
8. Open one krypt chest and unlock Grave Robber

The trophies I have had to do again.

1. All fatality related trophies
2. 5 mile run in krypt
3. KOTH 100 respect
4. 50 versus matches
5. show mercy 10 times
6. 10k pints of blood
7. bug vorah, flip stance, and duck trophy
8. AI battles all 25
9. 25 and 100 brutalities
10. Teamwork
11. equip 5 intros
12. 50 and 100 consumables

The tower related trophies instant pop apparently. I am still working on those on ps4, so I have not tried yet, but others have said it does.