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  • EU Region: Star Ocean 5 : Integrity and Faithlessness Platinum Save Set [CUSA03219] - NextGenUpdate

    17- 100% encyclopedia

    teleport to in front of signesilica & just face jatayu for boss of bestiary to finally unlock
    Hiya PC. I just wanna say thanks to your SO4 saves! I recently discovered your SO5 saves too from the old NGU site. It was a godsend though I'm missing just one trophy (100% enemies). I was wondering if you got this?

    On another note, might you have S06 converted saves too somewhere out there?

    My plus is running out in less than a month and I'm frantically trying to clear all the star ocean games, lol. Thought I'd ask is all!
    Many thanks. If you can't help with any one the above, its no big deal. No worries!
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