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show de bola mano
o set tá completo agora? dá pra pegar tudo com esses saves? ou tem algum troféu que preciso pegar eu mesmo?

esta 100% mano da pra pegar todos, tem uns que são bem simples ate aconselho a dar uma olhada se vale a pena regionar pq os saves são enormes, mas se quiser fazer todos tranquilo esta tudo no jeito, ou usar so os mais demorados fica a seu criterio
show de bola mano
o set tá completo agora? dá pra pegar tudo com esses saves? ou tem algum troféu que preciso pegar eu mesmo?

esta 100% mano da pra pegar todos, tem uns que são bem simples ate aconselho a dar uma olhada se vale a pena regionar pq os saves são enormes, mas se quiser fazer todos tranquilo esta tudo no jeito, ou usar so os mais demorados fica a seu criterio

opa, mandou bem... to baixando agora mesmo rsrs
Thank you again for this great set, everything worked perfectly :) although it’s an easy plat, the saves 9, 10 & the two DLC ones are a must use save, they have saved me a lot of time, you can easily get everything in 1-2 hours within a couple of codes, depending on your console's loading time.
This game is so tedious :feels: and I'm glad I had zero work while getting its platinum lol

Here goes a few things that I learned on my way to the platinum:

1. When you kill Kong on The Center DLC save the trophy Veteran Paleontologist will also pop in case you still don’t have it, but the Master Zoologist trophy won’t if you put the cheat again, not sure why.

2. The cheat GiveAllExplorerNotes will crash your game but you should be able to get between 4-5 trophies in 30 seconds (they take some time to pop). If you hit Resume the game will crash so try waiting a few secs until all trophies pop.
The obtainable trophies are: Beginner Explorer (10% of the explorer notes); Experienced Explorer (20% of the explorer notes); Adventurous Explorer (30% of the explorer notes); Studious Explorer (40% of the explorer notes); Veteran Explorer (50% of the explorer notes). Let us know if you managed to get more than 5 trophies on a faster console!

3. If you're using this set from scratch and don't wanna waste time on the Ascension DLC (because the credits are gonna roll and you'll have to start a new game again), do the following: use any save from this set > hit playercommand Ascend1 (GAMMA trophy) > close the app and load the next save. Repeat the process with Ascend2 (BETA trophy) and Ascend3 (ALPHA trophy) on the next saves.

4. If you're following a guide along with this set you'll probably note some variations on the codes used, like playercommand AbAscent1 or playercommand Genascend1 instead of playercommand Ascend1, but don't mind that, there're different codes for the same trophy so no reason to be worried :)

And that's it. Good luck to y'all!
Thank you again for this great set, everything worked perfectly :) although it’s an easy plat, the saves 9, 10 & the two DLC ones are a must use save, they have saved me a lot of time, you can easily get everything in 1-2 hours within a couple of codes, depending on your console's loading time.
This game is so tedious :feels: and I'm glad I had zero work while getting its platinum lol

Here goes a few things that I learned on my way to the platinum:

1. When you kill Kong on The Center DLC save the trophy Veteran Paleontologist will also pop in case you still don’t have it, but the Master Zoologist trophy won’t if you put the cheat again, not sure why.

2. The cheat GiveAllExplorerNotes will crash your game but you should be able to get between 4-5 trophies in 30 seconds (they take some time to pop). If you hit Resume the game will crash so try waiting a few secs until all trophies pop.
The obtainable trophies are: Beginner Explorer (10% of the explorer notes); Experienced Explorer (20% of the explorer notes); Adventurous Explorer (30% of the explorer notes); Studious Explorer (40% of the explorer notes); Veteran Explorer (50% of the explorer notes). Let us know if you managed to get more than 5 trophies on a faster console!

3. If you're using this set from scratch and don't wanna waste time on the Ascension DLC (because the credits are gonna roll and you'll have to start a new game again), do the following: use any save from this set > hit playercommand Ascend1 (GAMMA trophy) > close the app and load the next save. Repeat the process with Ascend2 (BETA trophy) and Ascend3 (ALPHA trophy) on the next saves.

4. If you're following a guide along with this set you'll probably note some variations on the codes used, like playercommand AbAscent1 or playercommand Genascend1 instead of playercommand Ascend1, but don't mind that, there're different codes for the same trophy so no reason to be worried :)

And that's it. Good luck to y'all!

thanks bro for your feedback this is very helpful for anyone who has questions
Pra quem esta com problemas no trofeu de level maximo do sobrevivente, use esses comandos:
Playercommand Ascend3
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1
Playercommand AbAscend3
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1
Playercommand Genascend3
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1
Cheat GivAllExplorerNotes
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1

Sempre que usar o playercommand, vai voltat do inicio. Inicie como host/solo, use o addexperience, suba o nivel até o maximo que der, e já usa o proximo playercommand. Repetida isso até o ultimo codigo. Assim você chegara no nivel 170. Eu fiz aqui e funcionou!

OBS: Cuidado ao usar o comando Cheat GivAllExplorerNotes. Usa ele de frente pro mar. Se não o jogo vai crashar e seu personagem vai bugar.
Pra quem esta com problemas no trofeu de level maximo do sobrevivente, use esses comandos:
Playercommand Ascend3
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1
Playercommand AbAscend3
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1
Playercommand Genascend3
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1
Cheat GivAllExplorerNotes
addexperience 1000000000000 0 1

Sempre que usar o playercommand, vai voltat do inicio. Inicie como host/solo, use o addexperience, suba o nivel até o maximo que der, e já usa o proximo playercommand. Repetida isso até o ultimo codigo. Assim você chegara no nivel 170. Eu fiz aqui e funcionou!

OBS: Cuidado ao usar o comando Cheat GivAllExplorerNotes. Usa ele de frente pro mar. Se não o jogo vai crashar e seu personagem vai bugar.

thanks for your feedback bro there may have been some update since I created the save set thanks