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EU Beyond: Two Souls (UK) Semi Save Set [CUSA00267]


February 5, 2020
Originally written by mark1 at NGU


I have another bunch of trophy saves for you guys, this time for the UK version of Beyond: Two Souls.

I've done the usual grindy ones and a few time saving ones but just like heavy rain, the trophies don't pop if you meet the requirements then quit and reload! Odd.

Anyway, here's the saves;

[HIDE]Beyond: Two Souls[/HIDE]​

Inside you'll find saves for;


Continue save and heal Jimmy, look after Tuesday's baby
and channel Stan.
Once done just quit to main menu.

-Houdini/Aidens Apocalypse-

Continue save and ride the motor cycle to the bridge, now
either get arrested (do nothing) or ride through the barrier.
Getting arrested and escaping will net you Houdini,
but riding through the barrier into baker town will give you
the opportunity for Aidens Apocalypse.


Continue the save and complete the QTE's for
Not Just Sand, quit to menu once you've met the requirements.

-Talk/No Talk-

Continue the save and either resist or talk, once the requirements are met simply quit to menu.

-Uncontrollable/Slept With Ryan-

Continue the save and answer the door, now either do nothing with Aiden to sleep with Ryan,
or cause chaos and make Ryan leave for Uncontrollable.

-Together Till the End/Two Souls/A Better World/The End/Explorer-

Once at the title screen select "Game Mode" and choose "Duo", now align both controllers and hit continue.
Simply finish the last set of QTE's and choose Beyond when given the option.
Once the ending and credits have played out just select "The Experiment" chapter (you don't need save enabled) and find the very first collectible
behind the glass (where Cole and Nathan are sat).
P.S I believe "Two Souls" trophy pops on load!

-Saved All-

Continue the save and pass the next set of QTE's, then once you have the option, choose Life or Beyond it doesn't matter.
Trophy pops at the "Epilogue Choice" screen.

-All Endings/Convince Dawkins/Saved All(alternative save)/The End-

Continue the save and walk forward until you meet Dawkins then simply select "Reason" option twice to have him kill himself,
once Ryan catches up with you proceed forward until you come across the snake like entitys then simply do nothing to receive
the worst and last ending for the All Endings trophy.
(trophies pop on either the "Epilogue Choice screen" or "Title Screen", it may pop explorer too!).​
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