This is all Gems and Runes Shape/Effects with all Armor ID's in the game. This is a Archive just in case other sites or docs are not in the public's eye anymore.
Gem shape:
01 00 00 00 = radial
02 00 00 00 = triangle
04 00 00 00 = waning
08 00 00 00 = circle
3F 00 00 00 = droplet (Universal on ALL weapons)
Gem effect: (listed in chronological digits order)
3C 33 00 00 = +6.5 BLOOD
3E 33 00 00 = +7 BLOOD
3F 33 00 00 = +7.3 BLOOD
40 33 00 00 = +7.5 BLOOD
01 34 00 00 = +20.1 BLOOD
02 34 00 00 = +21 BLOOD
03 34 00 00 = +21.9 BLOOD
04 34 00 00 = +22.8 BLOOD
05 34 00 00 = +23.6 BLOOD
06 34 00 00 = +24.5 BLOOD
07 34 00 00 = +25.4 BLOOD
08 34 00 00 = +26.3 BLOOD
28 37 00 00 = +15 ARC
51 38 00 00 = +67.5 ARC
52 38 00 00 = +70 ARC
53 38 00 00 = +72.5 ARC
54 38 00 00 = +75 ARC
B6 38 00 00 = +77 ARC
B7 38 00 00 = +79.8 ARC
B8 38 00 00 = +82.5 ARC
10 3B 00 00 = +15 FIRE
6F 3B 00 00 = +28.1 FIRE
71 3B 00 00 = +30.4 FIRE
72 3B 00 00 = +31.5 FIRE
73 3B 00 00 = +32.6 FIRE
39 3C 00 00 = +67.5 FIRE
3A 3C 00 00 = +70 FIRE
3B 3C 00 00 = +72.5 FIRE
3C 3C 00 00 = +75 FIRE
9D 3C 00 00 = +74.3 FIRE
9E 3C 00 00 = +77 FIRE
9F 3C 00 00 = +79.8 FIRE
A0 3C 00 00 = +82.5 FIRE
F6 3E 00 00 = +14 BOLT
F8 3E 00 00 = +15 BOLT
59 3F 00 00 = +30.4 BOLT
5A 3F 00 00 = +31.5 BOLT
5B 3F 00 00 = +32.6 BOLT
84 40 00 00 = +71.5 BOLT
85 40 00 00 = +74.3 BOLT
86 40 00 00 = +77 BOLT
87 40 00 00 = +79.8 BOLT
88 40 00 00 = +82.5 BOLT
42 43 00 00 = +18.9 PHYSICAL
E0 42 00 00 = +15 PHYSICAL
A1 43 00 00 = +24.2 PHYSICAL
A6 43 00 00 = +29.4 PHYSICAL
A7 43 00 00 = +30.5 PHYSICAL
A8 43 00 00 = +31.5 PHYSICAL
0A 44 00 00 = +42 PHYSICAL
0B 44 00 00 = +43.5 PHYSICAL
0C 44 00 00 = + 45 PHYSICAL
38 6E 00 00 = ATK DOWN â€7.6%
39 6E 00 00 = ATK DOWN â€7.9%
AA 85 00 00 = ATK BEAST DOWN â€11.3%
78 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN â€10.5%
79 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN â€10.9%
7C 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN â€12.2%
CD 98 00 00 = 5.4% OPEN FOES
D0 98 00 00 = 6% OPEN FOES
D1 98 00 00 = 6.5% RALLY
D2 98 00 00 = 6.5% RALLY
D3 98 00 00 = 6.7% RALLY
9E A0 00 00 = STAM COST +1.4%
9F A0 00 00 = STAM COST +1.5
00 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +2.9%
01 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3%
02 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.2%
03 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.3%
04 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.4%
84 A4 00 00 = 5.2% CHARGE ATK UP
85 A4 00 00 = 5.4% CHARGE ATK UP
E9 A4 00 00 = 12.2% CHARGE ATK UP
EA A4 00 00 = 12.6% CHARGE ATK UP
EB A4 00 00 = 13.1% CHARGE ATK UP
EC A4 00 00 = 13.5 % CHATGE ATK UP
B8 AC 00 00 = HP DEPLETE â€8
BB AC 00 00 = HP DEPLETE â€9
3D B0 00 00 = 2.7% BOOST RALLY
A2 B0 00 00 = 6.3% BOOST RALLY
8A B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP +12.6
8B B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP +13.1
8C B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP + 13.5
71 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN â€60.8
72 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN â€63
07 C1 00 00 = 25% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
08 C1 00 00 = 26% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
09 C1 00 00 = 27% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
86 21 01 00 = +2.8 SLOW POISON
9B D5 01 00 = 11.7% BLUNT
9C D5 01 00 = 12.2% BLUNT
2B D7 01 00 = 32.6% BLUNT
2C D7 01 00 = 33.8% BLUNT
AD DA 01 00 = 26.7% THRUST
AE DA 01 00 = 27.7% THRUST
AF DA 01 00 = 28.7% THRUST
B0 DA 01 00 = 29.7% THRUST
13 DB 01 00 = 32.6% THRUST
14 DB 01 00 = 33.8% THRUST
95 DE 01 00 = 26.7% BLOOD
97 DE 01 00 = 28.7% BLOOD
98 DE 01 00 = 29.7% BLOOD
FA DE 01 00 = 31.5% BLOOD
FB DE 01 00 = 32.6% BLOOD
FC DE 01 00 = 33.8% BLOOD
7E E2 01 00 = 23.1% ARC
7F E2 01 00 = 23.9% ARC
80 E2 01 00 = 24.8% ARC
E3 E2 01 00 = 27.2% ARC
E4 E2 01 00 = 28.1% ARC
65 E6 01 00 = 22.3% FIRE
CB E6 01 00 = 27.2% FIRE
CC E6 01 00 = 28.1% FIRE
20 E9 01 00 = 8.8% BOLT
E9 E9 01 00 = 20.3% BOLT
EA E9 01 00 = 21% BOLT
EC E9 01 00 = 22.5% BOLT
4F EA 01 00 = 23.9% BOLT
B3 EA 01 00 = 27.2% BOLT
B4 EA 01 00 = 28.2% BOLT
0B ED 01 00 = 9.8% PHYSICAL
0C ED 01 00 = 10.1% PHYSICAL
D1 ED 01 00 = 20.3% PHYSICAL
20 F2 01 00 = 21.5% ATK
83 F2 01 00 = 23.6% ATK
84 F2 01 00 = 24.4% ATK
F0 F9 01 00 = +65 STR SCALING
D2 FD 01 00 = +19.8 SKILL SCALING
D6 FD 01 00 = +23.1 SKILL SCALING
D7 FD 01 00 = +23.9 SKILL SCALING
D8 FD 01 00 = + 24.8 SKILL SCALING
F2 00 02 00 = +12.6 BLOOD SCALING
21 02 02 00 = +25.3 BLOOD SCALING
22 02 02 00 = +26.3 BLOOD SCALING
23 02 02 00 = +27.2 BLOOD SCALING
24 02 02 00 = +28.1 BLOOD SCALING
44 05 02 00 = +65 ARC SCALING
09 06 02 00 = +25.3 ARC SCALING
B9 23 02 00 = 3% REDUCE STAM COST
48 25 02 00 = 8.1% REDUCE STAM COST
4C 25 02 00 = 9.4% REDUCE STAM COST
52 2C 02 00 = 28% CHARGE ATK
53 2C 02 00 = 29% CHARGE ATK
54 2C 02 00 = 30% CHARGE ATK
FF 30 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
01 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
02 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
03 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
04 31 02 00 = +6 HP RECOVER
8B 44 02 00 = 34.4% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP
8C 44 02 00 = 35.6% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP
42 50 02 00 = 28% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
43 50 02 00 = 29% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
44 50 02 00 = 30% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
F3 86 02 00 = 27.2% PHYSICAL
F4 86 02 00 = 28.1% PHYSICAL
77 8A 02 00 = 23.9% PHYSICAL
78 8A 02 00 = 24.8% PHYSICAL
A8 92 02 00 = +24.4 STR SCALING
AC 92 02 00 = +28.1 STR SCALING
B1 99 02 00 = 24.3% ATK BEAST
B3 99 02 00 = 26.1% ATK BEAST
B4 99 02 00 = 27% ATK BEAST
7B 9A 02 00 = 32.6% ATK BEAST
7C 9A 02 00 = 33.8% ATK BEAST
C3 11 02 00 = 32.6% ATK KIN
C4 11 02 00 = 33.8% ATK KIN
7B 1D 02 00 = +21.7 RAPID POISON
7C 1D 02 00 = +22.5 RAPID POISON
1B AA 02 00 = +18.1 SLOW POISON
1C AA 02 00 = +18.7 SLOW POISON
3A AD 02 00 = +16.8 RAPID POISON
3C AD 02 00 = +18 RAPID POISON
Rune Shape/Identity:
02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
Rune Effects:
Clockwise Metamorphosis:
Boosts Max HP +5% - 98 D4 10 00
Boosts Max HP +10% - 99 D4 10 00
Boosts Max HP +15% - 9A D4 10 00
Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis:
Boosts Max Stamina +10% - 68 DC 10 00
Boosts Max Stamina +15% - 69 DC 10 00
Boosts Max Stamina +20% - 6A DC 10 00
Max vials held UP +1 - B0 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +2 - B1 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +3 - B2 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +4 - B3 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +5 - B4 4D 11 00
Formless Oedon:
Max QS bullets held UP +1 - 80 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +2 - 81 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +3 - 82 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +4 - 83 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +5 - 84 55 11 00
Ups visceral attack ATK +10% - 38 E4 10 00
Ups visceral attack ATK +20% - 39 E4 10 00
Ups visceral attack ATK +30% - 3A E4 10 00
Blood Rapture:
V.ATKs restore HP +200 - 20 E8 10 00
V.ATKs restore HP +250 - 21 E8 10 00
V.ATKs restore HP +300 - 22 E8 10 00
Oedon Writhe:
V.ATKs grant QS bullets +1 - F0 EF 10 00
V.ATKs rant QS bullets +2 - F1 EF 10 00
V.ATKs grant QS bullets +3 - F2 EF 10 00
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+30%) - C0 F7 10 00
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+40%) - C1 F7 10 00
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+50%) - C2 F7 10 00
Physical DMG reduction +3% - D0 1E 11 00
Physical DMG reduction +5% - D1 1E 11 00
Physical DMG reduction +7% - D2 1E 11 00
Arcane Lake:
Arcane DMG Reduction +5% - 30 0F 11 00
Arcane DMG Reduction +7% - 31 0F 11 00
Arcane DMG Reduction +10% - 32 0F 11 00
Fading Lake:
Fire DMG Reduction +5% - 18 13 11 00
Fire DMG Reduction +7% - 19 13 11 00
Fire DMG Reduction +10% - 1A 13 11 00
Dissipating Lake:
Bolt DMG Reduction +5% - E8 1A 11 00
Bolt DMG Reduction +7% - E9 1A 11 00
Bolt DMG Reduction +10% - EA 1A 11 00
Great Lake:
All DMG reduction +3% - B8 22 11 00
All DMG reduction +5% - B9 22 11 00
All DMG reduction +7% - BA 22 11 00
Deep Sea:
Add frenzy RES +100 - 58 32 11 00
Add frenzy RES +200 - 59 32 11 00
Add frenzy RES +300 - 5A 32 11 00
Clear Deep Sea:
Add slow poison RES +100 - 88 2A 11 00
Add slow poison RES +200 - 89 2A 11 00
Add slow poison RES +300 - 8A 2A 11 00
Stunning Deep Sea:
Add rapid poison RES +100 - 70 2E 11 00
Add rapid poison RES +200 - 71 2E 11 00
Add rapid poison RES +300 - 72 2E 11 00
Great Deep Sea:
Add all types of RES +50 - 40 36 11 00
Add all types of RES +100 - 41 36 11 00
Add all types of RES +150 - 42 36 11 00
More echoes from slain enemies (+10%) - E0 C8 10 00
More echoes from slain enemies (+20%) - E1 C8 10 00
More echoes from slain enemies (+30%) - E2 C8 10 00
Item Discovery +50 - B0 D0 10 00
Item Discovery +70 - B1 D0 10 00
Item Discovery +100 - B2 D0 10 00
Rally Potential +10% - 08 69 11 00
Rally Potential +20% - 09 69 11 00
Rally Potential +30% - 0A 69 11 00
Beast: [Falling Damage can be on gems]
Temp. boost to transform +20 - 28 3A 11 00
Temp. boost to transform +50 - 29 3A 11 00
Temp. boost to transform +100 - 2A 3A 11 00
Falling damage reduced 30% - 20 65 11 00
Falling damage reduced 50% - 21 65 11 00
Falling damage reduced 100% - 22 65 11 00
Increases stamina recovery speed - 31 32 20 00
Cont. heal near death (+1) - 61 2A 20 00
Increases HP recovery from Blood Vials - 79 26 20 00
Increases max health by 2% while in co-op - 99 74 20 00
Beast's Embrace Temp: [Can be used on gems]
boost to transform +15 - 81 78 20 00
?? - 82 78 20 00
?? - 83 78 20 00
?? - 84 78 20 00
?? - 85 78 20 00
Milkweed: [Can be used on gems]
Slight increase to Item Discovery - 69 7C 20 00
?? - 6A 7C 20 00
?? - 6B 7C 20 00
If you also wish to convert Gems into Runes, Simply farm gems and perform this.
01 00 00 00 > 02 00 00 00 (Gem 01, Rune 02) and change the 02/04/08/3F 00 00 00 after it to 01. for Oath it's 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00.
Armor Sets:
Grey Wolf Cap (Head) - 10270010
Charred Hunter Garb (Body) - F82A0010
Charred Hunter Gloves (Arms) - E02E0010
Charred Hunter Trousers (Legs) - C8320010
Black Hooded Iron Helm (Head) - 204E0010
Yahar'gul Black Garb (Body) - 08520010
Yahar'gul Black Gloves (Arms) - F0550010
Yahar'gul Black Trousers (Legs) - D8590010
Graveguard Mask (Head) - 30750010
Graveguard Robe (Body) - 18790010
Graveguard Manchettes (Arms) - 007D0010
Graveguard Kilt (Legs) - E8800010
Bone Ash Mask (Head) - 409C0010
Bone Ash Armour (Body) - 28A00010
Bone Ash Gauntlets (Arms) - 10A40010
Bone Ash Leggings (Legs) - F8A70010
Henryk's Hunter Cap (Head) - 50C30010
Henryk's Hunter Garb (Body) - 38C70010
Henryk's Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 20CB0010
Henryk's Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 08CF0010
Yharnam Hunter set
Head - 60EA0010
Body - 48EE0010
Arms - 30F20010
Legs - 18F60010
Hunter Hat (Head) - 70110110
Hunter Garb Cape (Body) - 58150110
Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 40190110
Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 281D0110
Knight's Wig (Head) - 80380110
Knight's Garb (Body) - 683C0110
Knight's Gloves (Arms) - 50400110
Knight's Trousers (Legs) - 38440110
Cainhurst Helmet (Head) - A0860110
Cainhurst Armour (Body) - 888A0110
Cainhurst Gauntlets (Arms) - 708E0110
Cainhurst Leggings (Legs) - 58920110
Black Church Hat (Head) - B0AD0110
Black Church Garb (Body) - 98B10110
Surgical Long Gloves (Arms) - 80B50110
Black Church Trousers/Dress (Legs) - 68B90110
Blindfold Cap (Head) - C0D40110
Choir Garb (Body) - A8D80110
Choir Gloves (Arms) - 90DC0110
Choir Trousers (Legs) - 78E00110
Gascoigne's Cap (Head) - D0FB0110
Gascoigne's Garb (Body) - B8FF0110
Gascoigne's Gloves (Arms) - A0030210
Gascoigne's Trousers (Legs) - 88070210
Tomb Prospecter Hood (Head) - E0220210
Tomb Prospecter Garb (Body) - C8260210
Tomb Prospecter Gloves (Arms) - B02A0210
Tomb Prospecter Trousers (Legs) - 982E0210
Gold Ardeo (Head) - F0490210
Executioner Garb (Body) - D84D0210
Executioner Gauntlets (Arms) - C0510210
Executioner Trousers (Legs) - A8550210
Beak Mask (Head) - 20BF0210
Crowfeather Garb (Body) - 08C30210
Crowfeather Manchettes (Arms) - F0C60210
Crowfeather Trousers (Legs) - D8CA0210
Student Set (Kind of, ? was found but not tested or working properly)
? (Head) - 30E60210
Student Uniform (A) (Body) - 18EA0210
Student Uniform (B) (Body) - C8970410
? (Arms) - 00EE0210
Student Trousers (Legs) - E8F10210
Gehrman's Hunter Cap - 400D0310
Gehrman's Hunter Garb - 28110310
Gehrman's Hunter Trousers - F8180310
Madman Hood - 50340310
Madman Garb - 38380310
Madman Manchettes - 203C0310
Madman Leggings - 08400310
Doll Hat (Head) - 603B0310
Doll Clothes (Body) - 485F0310
Doll Gloves (Arms) - 30360310
Doll Skirt (Legs) - 18670310
Black Hood (Head) - 70820310
Foreign Garb (Body) - 58860310
Sullied Bandage (Arms) - 408A0310
Foreign Trousers (Legs) - 288E0310
Ashen Hunter Garb (Body) - 68AD0310
Ashen Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 50B10310
Ashen Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 38B50310
Crown of Illusions (Head) - 90D00310
Master's Iron Helm (Head) - A0F70310
Iron Yahar'gul Helm (Head) - B01E0410
(? was found but not tested or working properly)
Top Hat (Head) - C0450410
Hunter Garb (Body) - A8490410
? (Arms) - 904D0410
? (Legs) - 78510410
White Church Hat (Head) - D06C0410
White Church Garb (Body) - B8700410
Surgical Long Gloves (Arms) - A0740410
White Church Trousers/Dress (Legs) - 88780410
Noble Dress (Body) - D8BE0410
Arianna's Shoes (Legs) - A8C60410
Rumpled Yharnam Hat (Head) - 00E20410
Sweaty Clothes (Body) - E8E50410
Butcher Mask (Head) - 10090510
Butcher Garb (Body) - F80C0510
Butcher Gloves (Arms) - E0100510
Butcher Trousers (Legs) - C8140510
Harrowed Hood (Head) - 20300510
Harrowed Garb (Body) - 08340510
Harrowed Gloves (Arms) - F0370510
Harrowed Trousers (Legs) - D83B0510
Old Hunter Cap (Head) - 30570510
Old Hunter Garb (Body) - 185B0510
Old Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 005F0510
Old Hunter Trousers (Legs) - E8620510
(? was found but not tested or working properly)
Old Hunter Top Hat (Head) - 407E0510
? (Body) - 28820510
? (Arms) - 10680510
? (Legs) - F8890510
Maria Hunter Cap (Head) - 50A50510
Maria Hunter Garb (Body) - 38A90510
Maria Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 20AD0510
Maria Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 08B10510
Constable? (Head) - 60CC0510
Constable's Garb (Body) - 48D00510
Constable Gloves (Arms) - 30D40510
Constable Trousers (Legs) - 18D80510
Brador's Testimony (Head) - 70F30510
Beast Hide Garb (Body) - 58F70510
Bloodied Arm Bands (Arms) - 40FB0510
Bloodied Trousers (Legs) - 28FF0510
Yamamura Hunter Hat (Head) - 801A0610
Khaki Haori (Body) - 681E0610
Old Hunter Arm Bands (Arms) - 50220610
Wine Hakama (Legs) - 38260610
Enlarged Head - B08F0610
**Cut/Unused Content**
Beast Transform
Head - 90410610
Body - 78450610
Arms - 60490610
Legs - 484D0610
Kin Transform
Head - A0680610
Body - 886C0610
Arms - 90490610 / 60490610 (please confirm which).
Legs - 58740610
Bloody Executioner Set (UNUSED MALE)
Head - 00530710
Body - E8560710
Arms - D05A0710
Legs - B85E0710
Bloody Eileen Set (UNUSED)
Head - 107A0710
Body - F87D0710
Arms - E0810710
Legs - C8850710
Iosefka's Skirt Barefoot (UNUSED)
Legs - D8AC0710
Arianna's Pregnant Dress (UNUSED)
Body - 18CC0710
Lonely Old Woman Clothes (UNUSED)
Body - 28F30710
Body - 381A0810
Annalise (Normal - UNUSED)
en5305 (Head) - 905F0110
en5306 (Body) - 78630110
Bloody Adella Robe (UNUSED) - Body - 48410810
Bloody Adella Gloves (UNUSED) - Arms - 30450810
Bloody Adella Skirt (UNUSED) - Legs - 18490810
Suspicious Beggar Headpiece (UNUSED MALE)
Head - 70640810
Bloody Arianna Dress (UNUSED)
Body - 78B60810
Madman? (GHOST, HEAD): C0B60610
Madman? (GHOST, BODY): A8BA0610
Madman? (GHOST, ARMS): 90BE0610
Madman? (GHOST, LEGS): 78C20610
Harrowed (GHOST, HEAD): D0DD0610
Harrowed (GHOST, BODY): B8E10610
Harrowed (GHOST, ARMS): A0E50610
Harrowed (GHOST, LEGS): 88E90610
Maria Hunter (GHOST, HEAD): E0040710
Maria Hunter (GHOST, BODY): C8080710
Master's Iron Helm (GHOST, ARMS): F02B0710
? (GHOST, BODY): D82F0710
Black Iron Hood (GHOST): C0270910
Black Iron Arms (GHOST): 902F0910
Graveguard Hood (GHOST): D04E0910
Graveguard Robe (GHOST): B8520910
Bone Ash Hat (GHOST): E0750910
Bone Ash Body (GHOST): C8790910
Bone Ash Leggings (GHOST): 98810910
Knight Wig (GHOST): F09C0910
Knight Armor (GHOST): D8A00910
Knight Leggings (GHOST): A8A80910
Dress (GHOST, BODY): E8C70910
Nightmare Head (GHOST): 70DD0A10
Nightmare Arms (GHOST): 40DD0A10
someone test the nightmare set so I know it works and is what it is.
I currently do not know if there is any more Ghost components so if you happen to find more, please let me know and i’ll add it and of course, do test the ones that I have posted.
I also don’t intend on adding anymore to this now, if something needs to be changed then do let me know.
Gem shape:
01 00 00 00 = radial
02 00 00 00 = triangle
04 00 00 00 = waning
08 00 00 00 = circle
3F 00 00 00 = droplet (Universal on ALL weapons)
Gem effect: (listed in chronological digits order)
3C 33 00 00 = +6.5 BLOOD
3E 33 00 00 = +7 BLOOD
3F 33 00 00 = +7.3 BLOOD
40 33 00 00 = +7.5 BLOOD
01 34 00 00 = +20.1 BLOOD
02 34 00 00 = +21 BLOOD
03 34 00 00 = +21.9 BLOOD
04 34 00 00 = +22.8 BLOOD
05 34 00 00 = +23.6 BLOOD
06 34 00 00 = +24.5 BLOOD
07 34 00 00 = +25.4 BLOOD
08 34 00 00 = +26.3 BLOOD
28 37 00 00 = +15 ARC
51 38 00 00 = +67.5 ARC
52 38 00 00 = +70 ARC
53 38 00 00 = +72.5 ARC
54 38 00 00 = +75 ARC
B6 38 00 00 = +77 ARC
B7 38 00 00 = +79.8 ARC
B8 38 00 00 = +82.5 ARC
10 3B 00 00 = +15 FIRE
6F 3B 00 00 = +28.1 FIRE
71 3B 00 00 = +30.4 FIRE
72 3B 00 00 = +31.5 FIRE
73 3B 00 00 = +32.6 FIRE
39 3C 00 00 = +67.5 FIRE
3A 3C 00 00 = +70 FIRE
3B 3C 00 00 = +72.5 FIRE
3C 3C 00 00 = +75 FIRE
9D 3C 00 00 = +74.3 FIRE
9E 3C 00 00 = +77 FIRE
9F 3C 00 00 = +79.8 FIRE
A0 3C 00 00 = +82.5 FIRE
F6 3E 00 00 = +14 BOLT
F8 3E 00 00 = +15 BOLT
59 3F 00 00 = +30.4 BOLT
5A 3F 00 00 = +31.5 BOLT
5B 3F 00 00 = +32.6 BOLT
84 40 00 00 = +71.5 BOLT
85 40 00 00 = +74.3 BOLT
86 40 00 00 = +77 BOLT
87 40 00 00 = +79.8 BOLT
88 40 00 00 = +82.5 BOLT
42 43 00 00 = +18.9 PHYSICAL
E0 42 00 00 = +15 PHYSICAL
A1 43 00 00 = +24.2 PHYSICAL
A6 43 00 00 = +29.4 PHYSICAL
A7 43 00 00 = +30.5 PHYSICAL
A8 43 00 00 = +31.5 PHYSICAL
0A 44 00 00 = +42 PHYSICAL
0B 44 00 00 = +43.5 PHYSICAL
0C 44 00 00 = + 45 PHYSICAL
38 6E 00 00 = ATK DOWN â€7.6%
39 6E 00 00 = ATK DOWN â€7.9%
AA 85 00 00 = ATK BEAST DOWN â€11.3%
78 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN â€10.5%
79 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN â€10.9%
7C 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN â€12.2%
CD 98 00 00 = 5.4% OPEN FOES
D0 98 00 00 = 6% OPEN FOES
D1 98 00 00 = 6.5% RALLY
D2 98 00 00 = 6.5% RALLY
D3 98 00 00 = 6.7% RALLY
9E A0 00 00 = STAM COST +1.4%
9F A0 00 00 = STAM COST +1.5
00 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +2.9%
01 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3%
02 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.2%
03 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.3%
04 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.4%
84 A4 00 00 = 5.2% CHARGE ATK UP
85 A4 00 00 = 5.4% CHARGE ATK UP
E9 A4 00 00 = 12.2% CHARGE ATK UP
EA A4 00 00 = 12.6% CHARGE ATK UP
EB A4 00 00 = 13.1% CHARGE ATK UP
EC A4 00 00 = 13.5 % CHATGE ATK UP
B8 AC 00 00 = HP DEPLETE â€8
BB AC 00 00 = HP DEPLETE â€9
3D B0 00 00 = 2.7% BOOST RALLY
A2 B0 00 00 = 6.3% BOOST RALLY
8A B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP +12.6
8B B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP +13.1
8C B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP + 13.5
71 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN â€60.8
72 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN â€63
07 C1 00 00 = 25% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
08 C1 00 00 = 26% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
09 C1 00 00 = 27% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
86 21 01 00 = +2.8 SLOW POISON
9B D5 01 00 = 11.7% BLUNT
9C D5 01 00 = 12.2% BLUNT
2B D7 01 00 = 32.6% BLUNT
2C D7 01 00 = 33.8% BLUNT
AD DA 01 00 = 26.7% THRUST
AE DA 01 00 = 27.7% THRUST
AF DA 01 00 = 28.7% THRUST
B0 DA 01 00 = 29.7% THRUST
13 DB 01 00 = 32.6% THRUST
14 DB 01 00 = 33.8% THRUST
95 DE 01 00 = 26.7% BLOOD
97 DE 01 00 = 28.7% BLOOD
98 DE 01 00 = 29.7% BLOOD
FA DE 01 00 = 31.5% BLOOD
FB DE 01 00 = 32.6% BLOOD
FC DE 01 00 = 33.8% BLOOD
7E E2 01 00 = 23.1% ARC
7F E2 01 00 = 23.9% ARC
80 E2 01 00 = 24.8% ARC
E3 E2 01 00 = 27.2% ARC
E4 E2 01 00 = 28.1% ARC
65 E6 01 00 = 22.3% FIRE
CB E6 01 00 = 27.2% FIRE
CC E6 01 00 = 28.1% FIRE
20 E9 01 00 = 8.8% BOLT
E9 E9 01 00 = 20.3% BOLT
EA E9 01 00 = 21% BOLT
EC E9 01 00 = 22.5% BOLT
4F EA 01 00 = 23.9% BOLT
B3 EA 01 00 = 27.2% BOLT
B4 EA 01 00 = 28.2% BOLT
0B ED 01 00 = 9.8% PHYSICAL
0C ED 01 00 = 10.1% PHYSICAL
D1 ED 01 00 = 20.3% PHYSICAL
20 F2 01 00 = 21.5% ATK
83 F2 01 00 = 23.6% ATK
84 F2 01 00 = 24.4% ATK
F0 F9 01 00 = +65 STR SCALING
D2 FD 01 00 = +19.8 SKILL SCALING
D6 FD 01 00 = +23.1 SKILL SCALING
D7 FD 01 00 = +23.9 SKILL SCALING
D8 FD 01 00 = + 24.8 SKILL SCALING
F2 00 02 00 = +12.6 BLOOD SCALING
21 02 02 00 = +25.3 BLOOD SCALING
22 02 02 00 = +26.3 BLOOD SCALING
23 02 02 00 = +27.2 BLOOD SCALING
24 02 02 00 = +28.1 BLOOD SCALING
44 05 02 00 = +65 ARC SCALING
09 06 02 00 = +25.3 ARC SCALING
B9 23 02 00 = 3% REDUCE STAM COST
48 25 02 00 = 8.1% REDUCE STAM COST
4C 25 02 00 = 9.4% REDUCE STAM COST
52 2C 02 00 = 28% CHARGE ATK
53 2C 02 00 = 29% CHARGE ATK
54 2C 02 00 = 30% CHARGE ATK
FF 30 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
01 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
02 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
03 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
04 31 02 00 = +6 HP RECOVER
8B 44 02 00 = 34.4% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP
8C 44 02 00 = 35.6% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP
42 50 02 00 = 28% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
43 50 02 00 = 29% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
44 50 02 00 = 30% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
F3 86 02 00 = 27.2% PHYSICAL
F4 86 02 00 = 28.1% PHYSICAL
77 8A 02 00 = 23.9% PHYSICAL
78 8A 02 00 = 24.8% PHYSICAL
A8 92 02 00 = +24.4 STR SCALING
AC 92 02 00 = +28.1 STR SCALING
B1 99 02 00 = 24.3% ATK BEAST
B3 99 02 00 = 26.1% ATK BEAST
B4 99 02 00 = 27% ATK BEAST
7B 9A 02 00 = 32.6% ATK BEAST
7C 9A 02 00 = 33.8% ATK BEAST
C3 11 02 00 = 32.6% ATK KIN
C4 11 02 00 = 33.8% ATK KIN
7B 1D 02 00 = +21.7 RAPID POISON
7C 1D 02 00 = +22.5 RAPID POISON
1B AA 02 00 = +18.1 SLOW POISON
1C AA 02 00 = +18.7 SLOW POISON
3A AD 02 00 = +16.8 RAPID POISON
3C AD 02 00 = +18 RAPID POISON
Rune Shape/Identity:
02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
Rune Effects:
Clockwise Metamorphosis:
Boosts Max HP +5% - 98 D4 10 00
Boosts Max HP +10% - 99 D4 10 00
Boosts Max HP +15% - 9A D4 10 00
Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis:
Boosts Max Stamina +10% - 68 DC 10 00
Boosts Max Stamina +15% - 69 DC 10 00
Boosts Max Stamina +20% - 6A DC 10 00
Max vials held UP +1 - B0 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +2 - B1 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +3 - B2 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +4 - B3 4D 11 00
Max vials held UP +5 - B4 4D 11 00
Formless Oedon:
Max QS bullets held UP +1 - 80 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +2 - 81 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +3 - 82 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +4 - 83 55 11 00
Max QS bullets held UP +5 - 84 55 11 00
Ups visceral attack ATK +10% - 38 E4 10 00
Ups visceral attack ATK +20% - 39 E4 10 00
Ups visceral attack ATK +30% - 3A E4 10 00
Blood Rapture:
V.ATKs restore HP +200 - 20 E8 10 00
V.ATKs restore HP +250 - 21 E8 10 00
V.ATKs restore HP +300 - 22 E8 10 00
Oedon Writhe:
V.ATKs grant QS bullets +1 - F0 EF 10 00
V.ATKs rant QS bullets +2 - F1 EF 10 00
V.ATKs grant QS bullets +3 - F2 EF 10 00
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+30%) - C0 F7 10 00
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+40%) - C1 F7 10 00
Blood Echoes gained from V.ATKs (+50%) - C2 F7 10 00
Physical DMG reduction +3% - D0 1E 11 00
Physical DMG reduction +5% - D1 1E 11 00
Physical DMG reduction +7% - D2 1E 11 00
Arcane Lake:
Arcane DMG Reduction +5% - 30 0F 11 00
Arcane DMG Reduction +7% - 31 0F 11 00
Arcane DMG Reduction +10% - 32 0F 11 00
Fading Lake:
Fire DMG Reduction +5% - 18 13 11 00
Fire DMG Reduction +7% - 19 13 11 00
Fire DMG Reduction +10% - 1A 13 11 00
Dissipating Lake:
Bolt DMG Reduction +5% - E8 1A 11 00
Bolt DMG Reduction +7% - E9 1A 11 00
Bolt DMG Reduction +10% - EA 1A 11 00
Great Lake:
All DMG reduction +3% - B8 22 11 00
All DMG reduction +5% - B9 22 11 00
All DMG reduction +7% - BA 22 11 00
Deep Sea:
Add frenzy RES +100 - 58 32 11 00
Add frenzy RES +200 - 59 32 11 00
Add frenzy RES +300 - 5A 32 11 00
Clear Deep Sea:
Add slow poison RES +100 - 88 2A 11 00
Add slow poison RES +200 - 89 2A 11 00
Add slow poison RES +300 - 8A 2A 11 00
Stunning Deep Sea:
Add rapid poison RES +100 - 70 2E 11 00
Add rapid poison RES +200 - 71 2E 11 00
Add rapid poison RES +300 - 72 2E 11 00
Great Deep Sea:
Add all types of RES +50 - 40 36 11 00
Add all types of RES +100 - 41 36 11 00
Add all types of RES +150 - 42 36 11 00
More echoes from slain enemies (+10%) - E0 C8 10 00
More echoes from slain enemies (+20%) - E1 C8 10 00
More echoes from slain enemies (+30%) - E2 C8 10 00
Item Discovery +50 - B0 D0 10 00
Item Discovery +70 - B1 D0 10 00
Item Discovery +100 - B2 D0 10 00
Rally Potential +10% - 08 69 11 00
Rally Potential +20% - 09 69 11 00
Rally Potential +30% - 0A 69 11 00
Beast: [Falling Damage can be on gems]
Temp. boost to transform +20 - 28 3A 11 00
Temp. boost to transform +50 - 29 3A 11 00
Temp. boost to transform +100 - 2A 3A 11 00
Falling damage reduced 30% - 20 65 11 00
Falling damage reduced 50% - 21 65 11 00
Falling damage reduced 100% - 22 65 11 00
Increases stamina recovery speed - 31 32 20 00
Cont. heal near death (+1) - 61 2A 20 00
Increases HP recovery from Blood Vials - 79 26 20 00
Increases max health by 2% while in co-op - 99 74 20 00
Beast's Embrace Temp: [Can be used on gems]
boost to transform +15 - 81 78 20 00
?? - 82 78 20 00
?? - 83 78 20 00
?? - 84 78 20 00
?? - 85 78 20 00
Milkweed: [Can be used on gems]
Slight increase to Item Discovery - 69 7C 20 00
?? - 6A 7C 20 00
?? - 6B 7C 20 00
If you also wish to convert Gems into Runes, Simply farm gems and perform this.
01 00 00 00 > 02 00 00 00 (Gem 01, Rune 02) and change the 02/04/08/3F 00 00 00 after it to 01. for Oath it's 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00.
Armor Sets:
Grey Wolf Cap (Head) - 10270010
Charred Hunter Garb (Body) - F82A0010
Charred Hunter Gloves (Arms) - E02E0010
Charred Hunter Trousers (Legs) - C8320010
Black Hooded Iron Helm (Head) - 204E0010
Yahar'gul Black Garb (Body) - 08520010
Yahar'gul Black Gloves (Arms) - F0550010
Yahar'gul Black Trousers (Legs) - D8590010
Graveguard Mask (Head) - 30750010
Graveguard Robe (Body) - 18790010
Graveguard Manchettes (Arms) - 007D0010
Graveguard Kilt (Legs) - E8800010
Bone Ash Mask (Head) - 409C0010
Bone Ash Armour (Body) - 28A00010
Bone Ash Gauntlets (Arms) - 10A40010
Bone Ash Leggings (Legs) - F8A70010
Henryk's Hunter Cap (Head) - 50C30010
Henryk's Hunter Garb (Body) - 38C70010
Henryk's Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 20CB0010
Henryk's Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 08CF0010
Yharnam Hunter set
Head - 60EA0010
Body - 48EE0010
Arms - 30F20010
Legs - 18F60010
Hunter Hat (Head) - 70110110
Hunter Garb Cape (Body) - 58150110
Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 40190110
Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 281D0110
Knight's Wig (Head) - 80380110
Knight's Garb (Body) - 683C0110
Knight's Gloves (Arms) - 50400110
Knight's Trousers (Legs) - 38440110
Cainhurst Helmet (Head) - A0860110
Cainhurst Armour (Body) - 888A0110
Cainhurst Gauntlets (Arms) - 708E0110
Cainhurst Leggings (Legs) - 58920110
Black Church Hat (Head) - B0AD0110
Black Church Garb (Body) - 98B10110
Surgical Long Gloves (Arms) - 80B50110
Black Church Trousers/Dress (Legs) - 68B90110
Blindfold Cap (Head) - C0D40110
Choir Garb (Body) - A8D80110
Choir Gloves (Arms) - 90DC0110
Choir Trousers (Legs) - 78E00110
Gascoigne's Cap (Head) - D0FB0110
Gascoigne's Garb (Body) - B8FF0110
Gascoigne's Gloves (Arms) - A0030210
Gascoigne's Trousers (Legs) - 88070210
Tomb Prospecter Hood (Head) - E0220210
Tomb Prospecter Garb (Body) - C8260210
Tomb Prospecter Gloves (Arms) - B02A0210
Tomb Prospecter Trousers (Legs) - 982E0210
Gold Ardeo (Head) - F0490210
Executioner Garb (Body) - D84D0210
Executioner Gauntlets (Arms) - C0510210
Executioner Trousers (Legs) - A8550210
Beak Mask (Head) - 20BF0210
Crowfeather Garb (Body) - 08C30210
Crowfeather Manchettes (Arms) - F0C60210
Crowfeather Trousers (Legs) - D8CA0210
Student Set (Kind of, ? was found but not tested or working properly)
? (Head) - 30E60210
Student Uniform (A) (Body) - 18EA0210
Student Uniform (B) (Body) - C8970410
? (Arms) - 00EE0210
Student Trousers (Legs) - E8F10210
Gehrman's Hunter Cap - 400D0310
Gehrman's Hunter Garb - 28110310
Gehrman's Hunter Trousers - F8180310
Madman Hood - 50340310
Madman Garb - 38380310
Madman Manchettes - 203C0310
Madman Leggings - 08400310
Doll Hat (Head) - 603B0310
Doll Clothes (Body) - 485F0310
Doll Gloves (Arms) - 30360310
Doll Skirt (Legs) - 18670310
Black Hood (Head) - 70820310
Foreign Garb (Body) - 58860310
Sullied Bandage (Arms) - 408A0310
Foreign Trousers (Legs) - 288E0310
Ashen Hunter Garb (Body) - 68AD0310
Ashen Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 50B10310
Ashen Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 38B50310
Crown of Illusions (Head) - 90D00310
Master's Iron Helm (Head) - A0F70310
Iron Yahar'gul Helm (Head) - B01E0410
(? was found but not tested or working properly)
Top Hat (Head) - C0450410
Hunter Garb (Body) - A8490410
? (Arms) - 904D0410
? (Legs) - 78510410
White Church Hat (Head) - D06C0410
White Church Garb (Body) - B8700410
Surgical Long Gloves (Arms) - A0740410
White Church Trousers/Dress (Legs) - 88780410
Noble Dress (Body) - D8BE0410
Arianna's Shoes (Legs) - A8C60410
Rumpled Yharnam Hat (Head) - 00E20410
Sweaty Clothes (Body) - E8E50410
Butcher Mask (Head) - 10090510
Butcher Garb (Body) - F80C0510
Butcher Gloves (Arms) - E0100510
Butcher Trousers (Legs) - C8140510
Harrowed Hood (Head) - 20300510
Harrowed Garb (Body) - 08340510
Harrowed Gloves (Arms) - F0370510
Harrowed Trousers (Legs) - D83B0510
Old Hunter Cap (Head) - 30570510
Old Hunter Garb (Body) - 185B0510
Old Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 005F0510
Old Hunter Trousers (Legs) - E8620510
(? was found but not tested or working properly)
Old Hunter Top Hat (Head) - 407E0510
? (Body) - 28820510
? (Arms) - 10680510
? (Legs) - F8890510
Maria Hunter Cap (Head) - 50A50510
Maria Hunter Garb (Body) - 38A90510
Maria Hunter Gloves (Arms) - 20AD0510
Maria Hunter Trousers (Legs) - 08B10510
Constable? (Head) - 60CC0510
Constable's Garb (Body) - 48D00510
Constable Gloves (Arms) - 30D40510
Constable Trousers (Legs) - 18D80510
Brador's Testimony (Head) - 70F30510
Beast Hide Garb (Body) - 58F70510
Bloodied Arm Bands (Arms) - 40FB0510
Bloodied Trousers (Legs) - 28FF0510
Yamamura Hunter Hat (Head) - 801A0610
Khaki Haori (Body) - 681E0610
Old Hunter Arm Bands (Arms) - 50220610
Wine Hakama (Legs) - 38260610
Enlarged Head - B08F0610
**Cut/Unused Content**
Beast Transform
Head - 90410610
Body - 78450610
Arms - 60490610
Legs - 484D0610
Kin Transform
Head - A0680610
Body - 886C0610
Arms - 90490610 / 60490610 (please confirm which).
Legs - 58740610
Bloody Executioner Set (UNUSED MALE)
Head - 00530710
Body - E8560710
Arms - D05A0710
Legs - B85E0710
Bloody Eileen Set (UNUSED)
Head - 107A0710
Body - F87D0710
Arms - E0810710
Legs - C8850710
Iosefka's Skirt Barefoot (UNUSED)
Legs - D8AC0710
Arianna's Pregnant Dress (UNUSED)
Body - 18CC0710
Lonely Old Woman Clothes (UNUSED)
Body - 28F30710
Body - 381A0810
Annalise (Normal - UNUSED)
en5305 (Head) - 905F0110
en5306 (Body) - 78630110
Bloody Adella Robe (UNUSED) - Body - 48410810
Bloody Adella Gloves (UNUSED) - Arms - 30450810
Bloody Adella Skirt (UNUSED) - Legs - 18490810
Suspicious Beggar Headpiece (UNUSED MALE)
Head - 70640810
Bloody Arianna Dress (UNUSED)
Body - 78B60810
Madman? (GHOST, HEAD): C0B60610
Madman? (GHOST, BODY): A8BA0610
Madman? (GHOST, ARMS): 90BE0610
Madman? (GHOST, LEGS): 78C20610
Harrowed (GHOST, HEAD): D0DD0610
Harrowed (GHOST, BODY): B8E10610
Harrowed (GHOST, ARMS): A0E50610
Harrowed (GHOST, LEGS): 88E90610
Maria Hunter (GHOST, HEAD): E0040710
Maria Hunter (GHOST, BODY): C8080710
Master's Iron Helm (GHOST, ARMS): F02B0710
? (GHOST, BODY): D82F0710
Black Iron Hood (GHOST): C0270910
Black Iron Arms (GHOST): 902F0910
Graveguard Hood (GHOST): D04E0910
Graveguard Robe (GHOST): B8520910
Bone Ash Hat (GHOST): E0750910
Bone Ash Body (GHOST): C8790910
Bone Ash Leggings (GHOST): 98810910
Knight Wig (GHOST): F09C0910
Knight Armor (GHOST): D8A00910
Knight Leggings (GHOST): A8A80910
Dress (GHOST, BODY): E8C70910
Nightmare Head (GHOST): 70DD0A10
Nightmare Arms (GHOST): 40DD0A10
someone test the nightmare set so I know it works and is what it is.
I currently do not know if there is any more Ghost components so if you happen to find more, please let me know and i’ll add it and of course, do test the ones that I have posted.
I also don’t intend on adding anymore to this now, if something needs to be changed then do let me know.
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