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EU Borderlands 3: Designer's Cut DLC - Treat Yo Self (CUSA08025)


December 2, 2020
Borderlands 3: Designer's Cut DLC 5 (CUSA08025) // EU

Trophy: Treat Yo Self // Extract 100 pieces of gear from the Arms Race

Trophy progress at continue 97/100.

> At the main menu click continue and you'll load into the Stormbind Complex.
> Start the Arms Race with the computer up ahead.
> Once landed in, simply extract 3 items and the trophy will pop, no need to die or finish.

Download Here
I can confirm, that this save works fine however it's not possible to unlock "In the eye of the murdercane" with it. If you kill a boss you won't get the trophy. But extracting the 100 parts works perfectly.

I am working on a save for the "Complex made simple" I will upload it tomorrow. Trying to find the last location later.

Edit: I uploaded my file for all locations here:

Borderlands 3: Designer's Cut DLC - Complex made simple [CUSA08025]

Now with all saves on playersquared for the season pass year 2 you are able to get all trophies fast and easy except for "In the eye of the murdercane" you need to do this on your own but with a level 65 char it's not that hard.
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