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Can't trickshot me!
November 1, 2020
*Reupload from NGU*


Overview: This is a 100% save of mine. All Trophies have been tested and you will get a plat if you follow the notes that I wrote for the trophies .

Please follow this guide below (Credit to StayPationt for the guide):
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Here is my 100% platinum save: --SEE BELOW--
UPDATED#2: Here is the 20 dog kills and 15 intel trophies (currently 12/30 intels) - only download after using the save below DOWNLOAD THIS AFTER USING THE SAVE BELOW

UPDATED#3 (06/02/2019 @4:24pm): I just played this save on a new account and was able to unlock everything except UPDATE #2, NO VETERANS GLITCH REQUIRED - JUST PLAY MISSIONS NEEDED FOR TROPHIES (ALSO ONE OF THE 2 MISSION FOR INDIVIDUAL TROPHIES) ON RECRUIT AND POPS:

1. Story related // Replay as needed

**NOTE**: Due to the nature of how these trophies unlock, you will most likely have to complete them again especially the mission specific ones (this excludes the difficulty/intel and other related trophies)

Earn a Winged Dagger (B)
Complete 'F.N.G.'.

Make the Jump (B)
Infiltrate a cargo ship. *See

Dancing in the Dark (B)
Kill the power.

Save the Bacon (B)
Protect 'War Pig', the Abrams tank.

Death From Above (B)
Operate an AC-130 gunship.

Wrong Number (B)
Find Al-Asad's safehouse.

Piggyback Ride (B)
Carry Cpt. MacMillan to safety.

Complete the One Shot, One Kill mission on any difficulty

Desperate Measures (B)
Corner Zakhaev's Son.

Complete The Sins of the Father mission on any difficulty

Win the War (B)
Complete the game on any difficulty.

Complete every mission (except for Epilogue: Mile High Club) on any difficulty. See Deep and Hard & The Ultimatum for tips.


2. Story related Misc // Replay as needed

New Squadron Record (B)
Complete the cargo ship mockup in less than 19 seconds.

Good luck on this, this took me 145 tries to get 15.05 but it wasn't controller throwing attempts; actually enjoyed and trying to be fast at the same time.
But you can get this in less tries than me (all dependent on skills/focus).

ACCURACY (-3 seconds shaved off)/SPEED/KNOWING WHERE TO HIT ON THE LAST 2 TARGET makes everything.

See Best of the Best for tips and a video guide (below):


Otherwise, not impossible trophy

Rescue Roycewicz (B)
Save Pvt. Roycewicz on the stairs.

Mission: The Bog

At the start of the mission you’ll exit the overpass/highway and enter a building through a large hole in the wall. The first member of your team that will start climbing the stairs here is Roycewicz and he’ll get attacked by an enemy at the first corner. You can run ahead and kill this enemy before he attacks or wait until they are grappling with each other. Just make sure to kill the enemy before he kills Roycewicz.

Your Show Sucks (B)
Destroy all the TVs showing Al-Asad's speech.

Mission: Charlie Don’t Surf

For this trophy you will need to destroy all the TV’s that are displaying Al-Asad’s speech during the Charlie Don’t Surf mission only. If you see the same TV’s during other missions don’t worry, they aren’t required. Some will get destroyed before you can get to them which is fine, I do recommend shooting them again though just in case.

I’ll list the TV’s that are easy to describe. The ones in the main room of the TV station though will be a bit difficult to explain because there are so many, so I recommend watching the video that I have provided for those. The video covers all of them so watch it from start to finish if you’d find it easier…

Before you reach the TV station...

  • Downstairs in the first building you go into, on the opposite side of the room from where you enter.
  • Again, downstairs in the first building you enter, in the room off to the left that has the AK47 painted on the wall next to the door. Same room as a piece of intel.
  • Before you cross over the slightly raised street head to the right. It’s in the house at the end, upstairs. In the same building as some intel.
  • Now cross that raised street and look for a staircase on one of the buildings on the right. At the top, turn around to spot the TV on a table. Again, right next to some intel.

The first few rooms of the TV station...

  • Up on the wall in the first room when you enter the TV station itself.
  • In this same room turn around and it’s up on the wall to the right of the door you entered through.
  • From the last 2 head down the corridor and take your first right. In this next room up on the wall above the door opposite.
  • In the next room, on a table on the right.
  • When you’re about to exit this room through the door ahead of you turn back to the left and you’ll see it on the desk closest to the door.
The main large room in the TV station...

  • When you enter the large room with all the desks and a load of enemies clear them out then search the room thoroughly or follow the video guide to ensure you’ve found them all. There is one well hidden on the desk to the left as you enter the room and there is one mounted on the wall in one of the offices opposite where you enter. The rest are all on desks, tables, mounted on the wall or set into the walls in groups of 16.
After leaving the main large room...

  • In the next area you’ll climb some stairs and enter a kitchen. Hung on the wall on the left in this kitchen.
In the final room, the broadcast/recording studio (the mission will end in this room so don't take too long)…

  • 1 to the right when you enter.
  • 2 along the wall on your left.
  • 1 in the center of the room.
  • 2 in the little room on the right with the mixing desks.

Man of the People (B)
Save the farmer.

Mission: Hunted

Near the start of the mission you’ll enter a barn with Capt Price and see a farmer being harassed by a group of enemy soldiers. Wait for Capt Price to give you the order to help him before you take the enemies down. If you start shooting before he tells you to then the trophy won’t unlock so have your sound or subtitles on to make this easier. Once all 5 enemies are dead the trophy will unlock.

Straight Flush (B)
Kill 5 enemies with one shot while in the AC-130 gunship.

Mission: Death From Above

Ghillies In The Mist (B)
Complete 'All Ghillied Up' without alerting any enemies.

Mission: All Ghillied Up

This is easier than it sounds. Just crawl up to MacMillan's Ass in the entire level. He'll inform you if you do alert anyone and reinforcements will arrive. In the areas where he gives you the option to take enemies out make sure none of the others can see the enemy you’re targeting when you shoot them. There are only ever a couple to worry about in those situations so just wait for them to walk past each other or for one to turn and look away. A body shot is enough to kill them on Recruit difficulty. When crawling or running through heavily guarded areas stay nice and close to MacMillan. If you fail (and when you get spotted while collecting the Intel or earning Man Versus Machine) simply restart the checkpoint to go back to being undetected.

Mile High Club (S)
Sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty.

Mission: Mile High Club

Mile High Club is an Epilogue mission that becomes available once you've completed the game. You have a time limit to fight your way through an airborne plane and rescue a hostage. The time limit differs on each difficulty level but on Veteran you only have one minute in which to complete the mission. This was by far the most difficult trophy in the game until a glitch was found to make it infinitely easier. (Credit to BubWright for sharing it on the forum.) That glitch has since been patched but there is a new one that can be used to make all the missions in the game easier to complete on Veteran, including Mile High Club. I have a video here showing how to utilise the glitch but I still recommend viewing the original text and video guide below the glitch video if you are new to the mission...
Here is a helpful post from bLaKgRaVy pointing out where the final checkpoint in each mission is. This will help you make the most of the glitch.

Mile High Club easy method using the glitch...

No Rest for the Weary (B)
Stab an injured crawling enemy.

Suggested Mission: Any

For this trophy all you need to do is melee kill an enemy that is down but not dead. They’ll crawl around for a short while, often shooting at you with their pistol. You can set this up for yourself anytime by shooting someone a couple of times in the leg until they drop to the floor, unable to stand.

Deep and Hard (G)
Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.

I. Load up my 2nd save,
II. Do veterans glitch for:
A. Crew Expendable
1A. Use Desert Eagle and kill 5 enemies (one guy screaming below decks in a container will charge at you)
2A. After above, restart mission in recruit and only use a knife (do not shoot gun or reload); let the NPCs do everything, you just follow and watch mostly.
B. Blackout
C. Charlie Don't Surf
1C. Also do Al-Assid tv show trophy
D. The Bog
E. Death from Above
F. Shock and Awe
G. Safehouse
H. All Ghilled Up
1H. Do Dog trophy
I. The Sins of the Father
J. No Fighting in the War Room
K. Game Over

Daredevil (B)
Kill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang in the single player campaign.

I did this in the Sins of the Father, after killing everyone outside and rooftop, bum rushed to the gas station and flashed near a enemy and knifed.

Roadkill (B)
Kill 2 enemies by blowing up a car in the single player campaign.

Plenty of opportunities, but below is examples:

Mission: Charlie Don’t Surf

Downstairs in the first building you enter there is a table with lots of weapons on it. Grab the RPG at the far end. When you leave this building head through the alley and at the end of the road straight in front of you (not right or left) there will be a car. A bunch of enemies will appear in that general area so shoot the car when you see them and it should explode taking at least 2 enemies down with it. Restart the checkpoint to try again if you need to, or...

Mission: Death From Above

While in the AC-130 you’ll come to some areas that are littered with cars and have plenty of enemies spawning around them. Shoot at the cars when there are lots of enemies passing by them using any of your weapons although the 40mm cannon would probably be best because the 105mm may just kill the enemies outright without the cars being involved.

Bird on the Ground (B)
Shoot down an enemy helicopter with an RPG in the single player campaign.

Mission: Heat

A single RPG rocket is usually enough to take down a chopper. You’ll automatically earn this while working on the Flyswatter trophy because to be able to take down all 8 helicopters in the Heat mission you’ll have to make use of an RPG. Although you may have already earned it earlier in the game depending on which method you used to earn the Reinforcement Denied trophy.

See Flyswatter or Reinforcement Denied/ or below:

Flyswatter (B)
Destroy 8 enemy helicopters in 'Heat'.

Mission: Heat

There will be 8 enemy helicopters during the Heat mission and you need to destroy all of them.

The first 5 will spawn in front of you while you’re manning the mini-gun in the downed chopper. Start firing as soon as you see them to ensure you have time to destroy all 5. They go down easily once they get close enough. Keep your eye on the heat gauge on the right of the screen though because if you overheat the choppers could fly off before the mini-gun is ready to fire again, so shoot in bursts.

The final 3 choppers will arrive behind you as you’re running toward the barn to grab the Javelin. On the way to the barn there will be 3 RPGs propped up against the fence in the middle of the field. Grab all 3 (pick up one then make sure the other 2 are added as ammo) then turn around and run a bit closer to the 3 choppers that are preparing to drop off their reinforcements. If you fire from too far away the rockets will likely miss. Shoot them from left to right to ensure that you can get all 3 before any fly off because that’s the order in which they arrive and the same order that they depart. If you don't yet have Bird on the Ground you'll earn it here for taking down a chopper with an RPG.


Four of a Kind (B)
Kill 4 enemies in a row with headshots in the single player campaign.

For this trophy the 4 headshots in a row also need to be in relatively quick succession so as long as you don’t leave too long a period between each one the trophy will unlock.

Three of a Kind (B)
Kill 3 enemies in a row with your knife in the single player campaign.

For this trophy the 3 knife kills in a row also need to be in relatively quick succession so as long as you don’t leave too long a period between each one the trophy will unlock.

Weapon Master (S)
Get a kill with each type of handheld gun, explosive and launcher in the single player campaign.


Desert Storm (B)
Find the Desert Eagle in 'Crew Expendable' and kill 5 enemies with it.

Mission: Crew Expendable

You can find this in the first of the large rooms with the raised walkways on the right and left and the cargo containers dotted around. As you make your way around the area a specific enemy will eventually shout as he jumps out at you from inside or behind one of the containers. There are several potential spawn points. When you see him kill him and he’ll drop the Desert Eagle. This is the only place you can find the weapon so make sure to get 5 kills with it for the trophy.


Master Ninja (S)
Complete any level using only the knife to kill enemies.

Suggested Mission: Crew Expendable

The Man in the High Tower (B)
Find and use the hidden cache in 'Heat'.

Mission: Heat

Right near the start of the mission your squad will start crawling toward a fence ready to trigger some planted explosives. Turn around and enter the church behind you and climb the stairs up into the tower where you’ll find some RPGs. Stay in the tower and use the RPGs to help your squad kill all the approaching enemies.

The trophy unlock for me the moment I fired the last available rocket so I think you need to use them all up during the fight.


Feel the Heat (B)
Kill all 4 tanks on the overpass with the Javelin missile in 'The Bog'.

Mission: The Bog

Man versus Machine (B)
Alert the enemy helicopter in 'All Ghillied Up' and take it down.

Mission: All Ghillied Up

When you get to the church near the start of the mission, pick up a Stinger from the ground floor and head out the back to spawn a chopper which will fly over the church toward you. Have your Stinger aimed and ready and fire as soon as you’re locked on. Then run straight back into the church and grab another launcher but run out the front door this time. Be quick about it because the helicopter will begin levelling the church if you’re in it. Get ready to attain a lock on the chopper as soon as you see it again and the second missile will destroy it. If you're going for Ghillies in the Mist remember to reload the checkpoint after earning the trophy and go through this section again without alerting the chopper.


Time Paradox (B)(H)
Kill Makarov and complete your mission

Mission: One Shot, One Kill

Right at the start of this mission you’ll be tasked with sniping Zakhaev. When he arrives look past him and there will be a row of 3 cars lined up behind each other. The car on the left has Makarov sat in the front seat. For this trophy you must snipe Zakhaev as planned but also kill Makarov. Zoom in with the left analog stick and wait it out for a while until you notice the flags on the vehicles droop indicating that the wind has died down. When that happens it will be much easier to hit the 2 targets. Hit Zakhaev first then snipe Makarov in the car to screw with the spacetime continuum!



3. Miscellaneous //

Look Sharp (B)
Find 15 enemy intel items.

Eyes and Ears (B)
Find 30 enemy intel items.
I. CREW EXPENDABLE: The very first intel laptop when you go into the hull of the ship (1/2 intel left)
II. WAR PIG: The only first two when the tank is making its initial push; I've got the one in the machine gun house (1/3 intel left)


Down Boy Down (B)
Survive a dog attack.

To “survive a dog attack” a dog needs to jump on you and pin you to the ground at which point you’ll receive a prompt to press R3. Get the timing right and you'll kill it earning the trophy. There are dogs in several missions so when you come across one simply let it jump on top of you and press R3 when prompted to. If you haven’t earned it by the time you reach the One Shot, One Kill mission then earn it while using the farming method for Dogs. I Hate Dogs.

Dogs. I Hate Dogs. (B)
Kill 20 attack dogs with a knife.

Suggested Mission: "All Ghillied Up" (the very beginning only!)

I. Load the level up, go snipe the 2 guys walking so you can be detected and alerted or shoot the window if not detected.
II. Once alerted, 3 dogs will come to you; knife each one
III. When dogs are gone, hold the grenade and kill yourself rather than Reload the checkpoint
IV. Repeat until trophy
V. Profit

Reinforcement Denied (B)
Kill at least 3 rappelling enemies in a single rope.

Choppers will fly in during some missions to drop off reinforcements that rappel down from the helicopter on ropes. There are 2 methods you can use to earn this trophy:

Explosion Man (B)
Kill 20 enemies with explosives in a single level.

Retro Shooter (B)
Complete any level without reloading your weapon (excluding 'The Coup' and 'Aftermath').

Suggested Mission: Crew Expendable

Best of the Best (S)
Beat IW best time on the Ship Training course in 'F.N.G.' (15.1 sec).


Nothing here today.

Veteran Glitch Step-By-Step (PS4):

1. Start a mission in recruit
2. When you get to a specific checkpoint (you'll see on top left screen) or BEFORE the end of the level, SAVE & QUIT
3. Make sure to setup the close application function handy as PS4 might be slow in terms of this
-Press the PS button, hover over the close application option and press the PS button again
6. Reload the game and then do RESUME GAME
7. Voila! once loaded, go to options and look in the top right hand side for VETERANS difficulty
8. Then finish the level


(most of these are thanks to InSpiritofBash)

Updated 06/01/2019 @11:14pm: Did not notice these; but this is also updated as well by bLaKgRaVy

1. Crew Expendable- after the explosion and your teammate helps you up and you start sprinting to exit the ship.
2. Blackout- after the power is cut and you enter the house to retrieve the objective.
3. Charlie don't surf- Just before when the Marines blast the door with shotguns to the Newscasters room (at the near end)
4. The Bog- after blowing up the AA gunner.
5. The Hunted- just after shooting down the chopper with the FIM stinger
6. Deaths From Above- you hear the commander suggest using 25 mm just before noting friendly choppers are in the area.
7. War Pig- After the T70 tank is blown and everyone is just taking knee to watch and before the Seaknight Transport chopper landing
8. Shock And Awe- after rescuing the down cobra pilot or near the cobra pilot
9. Safe House- after Price throw the flash bang in the door and closes it.
10. All Ghillied Up- pass the wild dog, and exiting out of the building to see the Hotel in the background
11. One Shot One Kill- When MacMillan saying the first transport helicopter is coming
12. Heat- after dropping down to the gas station and boarding the LZ chopper.
13. Sins Of The Father- before the last set of stairs before going to the roof. If you reach the roof top stop and perform the glitch here.
14. Ultimatum- Right when you meet the two snipers at the near end
15. All In- When the blackhawk heli comes rappling troops down; your team starts cutting open the vents; Do not rapple down the vent!
16. No Fighting In The War Room- When you take the elevator up to the Car Hangar to get into the trucks
17. Game Over- when your lying on the ground there will be two before Price slides you a pistol. When the chopper blows up and when he slides you the pistol. These are both usable.

Closing Note:
Please guys, continue to make the NGU community grow by uploading your completed/step-by-step trophy guide saves of your own if you don't see it on the website so you can help others! especially you USA players! Thanks :)