To reduce spam posts and drive activity from members, and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have thrown together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcodes
Which allows you to select which reacts you want in order to unlock the download link
Which allows you to charge a certain credit amount in order for someone to get access to the download link
This will hide your link with the following:
must click on the Like button (pictured below) to see hidden download links.
The button will look like this in the bottom right of the postbit
After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!
ThanksTo reduce spam posts and drive activity from members, and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have thrown together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcodes
Which allows you to select which reacts you want in order to unlock the download link. You must list the number for react options like above. ( you can list multiple options by doing 1,2,3,4,6)
1= Thanks
2= Love
3= Haha
4= Wow
6= Canada Thanks
Which allows you to charge a certain credit amount in order for someone to get access to the download link
This will hide your link with the following:
must click on the Like button (pictured below) to see hidden download links.
The button will look like this in the bottom right of the postbit
After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!
ThanksTo reduce spam posts and drive activity from members, and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have thrown together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcodes
Which allows you to select which reacts you want in order to unlock the download link. You must list the number for react options like above. ( you can list multiple options by doing 1,2,3,4,6)
1= Thanks
2= Love
3= Haha
4= Wow
6= Canada Thanks
Which allows you to charge a certain credit amount in order for someone to get access to the download link
This will hide your link with the following:
must click on the Like button (pictured below) to see hidden download links.
The button will look like this in the bottom right of the postbit
After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!