• Before registering an account on PlayerSquared you must first agree that you are at least 13 years of age & have read & agree to our Terms of use & our Privacy policy.
  • An issue was found with the credits system & unfortunately some credits have been lost as a result. If you've lost credits post in this thread here & we'll re-issue your credits: Credits Re-issue
  • To hide your download link, use the following BBCodes:
    You can set specific reactions (like "Thanks," "Love," etc.) that must be selected to unlock the download link. List the reaction numbers like this: 1, 2, 3, etc. 1 = Thanks 2 = Love 3 = Haha 4 = Wow 6 = Canada Thanks

    or you can use:
    Which allows you to charge a certain credit amount in order for someone to get access to the download link.

    The button to unlock the link will appear in the bottom right corner of the post.



Stay Frosty
November 29, 2018
To reduce spam and encourage activity, we've created a plugin that rewards members for sharing saves and cheats.
To hide your download link, use the following BBCodes:


You can set specific reactions (like "Thanks," "Love," etc.) that must be selected to unlock the download link. List the reaction numbers like this: 1, 2, 3, etc.
1 = Thanks
2 = Love
3 = Haha
4 = Wow
6 = Canada Thanks

or you can use:

Which allows you to charge a certain credit amount in order for someone to get access to the download link.

This will hide your link with the following:


You must click on the Like button (pictured below) to see hidden download links.

The button to unlock the link will appear in the bottom right corner of the post.

After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!
In order to reduce spam posts and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have throw together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcode


THEN make sure you have this option checked when making a thread

This will hide your link with the following:


You must thank the post to view hidden content.

It will appear like this until the post is thanked! You can thank a thread by hitting this button


After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!

In order to reduce spam posts and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have throw together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcode


THEN make sure you have this option checked when making a thread

This will hide your link with the following:


You must thank the post to view hidden content.

It will appear like this until the post is thanked! You can thank a thread by hitting this button


After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!

Postado originalmente por Vince
Para reduzir as postagens de spam e permitir que os membros que postam salvamentos e cheats recebam algo em troca de suas pesquisas, criamos um plugin que nos permite cumprir ambos.
Para ocultar seus links, use o seguinte bbcode

ENTÃO certifique-se de marcar esta opção ao criar um tópico.

Isso ocultará seu link com o seguinte:

Você deve agradecer a postagem para visualizar o conteúdo oculto.

Ele aparecerá assim até que a postagem seja agradecida! Você pode agradecer um tópico clicando neste botão.

Depois disso, qualquer coisa por trás dessas tags de ocultar aparecerá! Mas você tem que ter certeza de seguir todos os passos e deve funcionar para você!

In order to reduce spam posts and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have throw together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcode


THEN make sure you have this option checked when making a thread

This will hide your link with the following:


You must thank the post to view hidden content.

It will appear like this until the post is thanked! You can thank a thread by hitting this button


After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!

In order to reduce spam posts and let members who post saves and cheats to get something in return for their research, we have throw together a plugin that allows us to fulfill both.
To hide your links, use the following bbcode


THEN make sure you have this option checked when making a thread

This will hide your link with the following:


You must thank the post to view hidden content.

It will appear like this until the post is thanked! You can thank a thread by hitting this button


After that, anything behind those hide tags will appear! But you have to make sure you follow all the steps and it should work for ya!

  • Like
Reactions: Darisa and jangjh84