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November 3, 2020
Refer To [Resource] Crystar Gear & Item Offsets [XxUnkn0wnxX] For AM Notes

Game Uses Mostly Static Addresses
### Crystar ###

Set Essence (Money)
94000000 00000028
28000000 VVVVVVVV

Possible Values:
05F5E0FF = 99999999
0098967F = 9999999
000F423F = 999999
0000270F = 9999

Notes: Replace V's With Value
Use: HEX & LITTLE ENDIAN CONVERTER - SAVE-EDITOR.com to Convert Dec To Hex. (Custom Value)

Set All Max XP/lvl
42000010 001386AE
400401E8 00000000

Attributes Table:
HP - Health
SP - Mana/Skill Points
Physical Attack - [(Art. Abilities) & Standard Mele]
Physical Defence
Magical Attack - (Spells Only)
Magical Defence
Luck - Critical Hit Chance
MENT - Reduces Consecutive Attack Damage Falloff

Character Stats
### Kokoro ###
   - Set HP -
   - Set SP -
20000200 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Physical Attack -
20000204 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Physical Defence -
20000208 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Magical Attack -
   - Set Magical Defence -
20000210 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Luck -
20000214 VVVVVVVV
   - Set MENT -
20000218 VVVVVVVV

### Nanana ###
  - Set HP -
   - Set SP -
   - Set Physical Attack -
   - Set Physical Defence -
   - Set Magical Attack -
   - Set Magical Defence -
   - Set Luck -
   - Set MENT -

### Rei ###
   - Set HP -
20000014 VVVVVVVV
   - Set SP -
20000018 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Physical Attack -
   - Set Physical Defence -
20000020 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Magical Attack -
20000024 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Magical Defence -
20000028 VVVVVVVV
   - Set Luck -
   - Set MENT -
20000030 VVVVVVVV

### Sen ###
   - Set HP -
   - Set SP -
   - Set Physical Attack -
   - Set Physical Defence -
   - Set Magical Attack -
   - Set Magical Defence -
   - Set Luck -
   - Set MENT -
20000400 VVVVVVVV

### Set All ###
   - Set HP -
42000014 VVVVVVVV
400401E8 00000000
   - Set SP -
42000018 VVVVVVVV
400401E8 00000000
   - Set Physical Attack -
400401E8 00000000
   - Set Physical Defence -
42000020 VVVVVVVV
400401E8 00000000
   - Set Magical Attack -
42000024 VVVVVVVV
400401E8 00000000
   - Set Magical Defence -
42000028 VVVVVVVV
400401E8 00000000
   - Set Luck -
400401E8 00000000
   - Set MENT -
42000030 VVVVVVVV
400401E8 00000000

Notes: Replace V's With Value

Possible Values:
000F423F = 999999
0000270F = 9999
00001388 = 5000
000007D0 = 2000
000003E8 = 1000

Thoughts (Materials) Swap - Template
Replace Joy With XX
80010004 06010000
08000000 000000XX

Replace Anger With XX
80010004 07010000
08000000 000000XX

Replace Sorrow With XX
80010004 08010000
08000000 000000XX

Replace Humor With XX
80010004 09010000
08000000 000000XX

Material Types (ID's)
06 - (Joy)
07 - (Anger)
08 - (Sorrow)
09 - (Humor)
0A - (Love)
0B - (Hate)
0C - (Sight)
0D - (Hearing)
0E - (Smell)
0F - (Taste)
10 - (Touch)
11 - (Mano)
12 - (Manas)
13 - (Alayas)
14 - (Void)

Thoughts Quantity - Template (Make Sure you have at least one of the item 1st)
80010004 XX010000
28000004 VVVVVVVV

Replace V's With value
Replace X's With Material Type, EG Joy = 06

Usage: find or purchase Joy at the start of the game & replace with Say Void.
then load save & re-purchase Joy again Rise & repeat till you have all of them.

Possible Values:
3B9AC9FF = 999999999
000F423F = 999999
00001388 = 5000
000003E7 = 999

Set All Material To 999999999 (Must Have all of them to apply, may break save otherwise...)
80010004 06010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 07010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 08010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 09010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 0A010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 0B010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 0C010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 0D010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 0E010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 0F010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 10010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 11010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 12010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 13010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010004 14010000
28000004 3B9AC9FF

Consumables (Food) Swap - Template
80010008 XX000000
YY000000 00000000
08000000 000000XX <-- Delete this line if setting value only
28000004 VVVVVVVV

Notes: Replace X's With Consumable ID, Y's With the amount you have of that item, V's what with how much you want to get

Example: Swap Bitter Chocolate (i have 11) for Shortcake
80010008 01000000 <-- ID of Bitter Chocolate
0B000000 00000000 <-- 11 (LITTLE ENDIAN)
08000000 0000000C <-- ID of Shortcake
28000004 0000270F <-- I get 9999 Shortcake (BIG ENDIAN)

Example 2: Just Set Value Without Swap, i have 9999
80010008 0C000000 <-- ID of Shortcake
0F270000 00000000 <-- 9999 (LITTLE ENDIAN)
28000004 000003E8 <-- I get 1000 Shortcake (BIG ENDIAN)

Possible Values:
3B9AC9FF = 999999999
000F423F = 999999
00001388 = 5000
000003E7 = 999
14000000 = 20
0A000000 = 10
05000000 = 5
04000000 = 4
02000000 = 2
01000000 = 1

Consumables Types (ID's)
Item ID
01 - (Bitter Chocolate) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 20
    Recover 30% Max HP
02 - (Sweet Chocolate) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Recover 50% Max HP
03 - (Milk Chocolate) [Rare - II] | Default Max: 5
    Recover 80% Max HP
04 - (White Chocolate) [Rare - III] | Default Max: 2
    Fully Recover HP
05 - (Stablé) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Cures Paralysis
06 - (Cat Tongue) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Cures Confusion
07 - (Shortbread) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Cures Bleeding
08 - (Flapjack) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Cures Curse
09 - (Biscotti) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Cures DEF DOWN
0A - (Snickerdoodle) [Rare - I] | Default Max: 10
    Cures ATK DOWN
0B - (Checkerboard Cookie) [Rare - II] | Default Max: 5
    Cures All Ailments
0C - (Shortcake) [Rare - III] | Default Max: 1
    Cures All Ailments/Recover HP
0D - (Sfogliatella) [Rare - II] | Default Max: 4
    UP DEF for a limited time
0E - (Panellets) [Rare - II] | Default Max: 4
    UP ATK for a limited time
0F - (Paskha) [Rare - II] | Default Max: 4
    Heal KO and Recover 50% HP

Set All Consumables To 999999999 (Must Have all of them to apply)
Notes: Must have them all at their default in-game max values.
80010008 01000000
14000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 02000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 03000000
05000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 04000000
02000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 05000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 06000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 07000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 08000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 09000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 0A000000
0A000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 0B000000
05000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 0C000000
01000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 0D000000
04000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 0E000000
04000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF
80010008 0F000000
04000000 00000000
28000004 3B9AC9FF

Words (Gear) - Template
95000000 0000B310 - must have this on top
### 1st Block ###
48000000 000000XX
40020030 00000000
48000004 000000VV
40020030 00000000
### 2nd Block ###
48000060 000000XX
40020030 00000000
48000064 000000VV
40020030 00000000
### 3rd Block ###
480000C0 000000XX
40020030 00000000
480000C4 000000VV
40020030 00000000
### 4Th Block ###
48000120 000000XX
40020030 00000000
48000124 000000VV
40020030 00000000
### 5th Block ###
48000180 000000XX
40020030 00000000
48000184 000000VV
40020030 00000000
### This Needs To Be At The Bottom ###
A000CD44 00000025
31000000 31000000 
31000000 31000000 
31000000 31000000 
62000000 62000000 
62000000 62000000

Refer To Gear Pools for all the Gear Groups.
Notes: Replace XX with Gear Type/Group, Replace VV with value (max value 255)

note using big values like 30, may crash game or take a very long time to process
with 10 sets thats 30x10, 300 items (Weapons, Defensive Gear, Accessories you would have to go through)

Combine all blocks when adding to cheats, no line breaks. (Remove Text etc..)

Possible Values:
05 = 5
0A = 10
0F = 15
14 = 20
19 = 25
1E = 30

WARNING: most of the types (Gear) are locked behind story progression/something that measures the max gear you can obtain in the segment of the game.
when game tells you your abilities/purification is stronger, this is the progression measurement. you can use these anytime however purifying higher lvl items wont yield anything if early in the game.

Gear Pools (Loot Table)
ED = Torment (ATK/Down) [Rare - I]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
        Masochism Evidence - Rei
        Regret Drop - Rei
        Reason to Live - Kokoro
        Oath Hate - Kokoro
        True Determination - Sen
        Spark Excitement - Nanana

EE = Torment (ATK/Middle) [Rare - II]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
        Be Machina - Rei
        Crystal Ego - Rei
        Beloved Stigma - Kokoro
        Expiation - Kokoro
        True Mystery - Sen
        Full Deliberation - Sen
        Enjoyed Moment - Nanana

EF = Torment (ATK/UP) [Rare - III]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
        Colorful Principal - Rei
        Relative Happiness - Kokoro
        Natural Law - Sen
        Fraternal Happiness - Nanana

F0 = Torment (DEF/Down) [Rare - I]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
        Just Feeling
        Next Hope
        Survival Instinct
        Accept Pain
        Go My Way
        Pride of Sorrow
    Bolstering Items (Rings/Buffs):     
       Recall Sync
       Recall Madness
       Recall Belief
       Recall Holy
       Recall Wrath
       Recall Peace
       Recall Hatred
       Recall Endurance
       Recall Curse
       Recall Olay
       Note: might be more.
F1 = Torment (DEF/Middle) [Rare - II]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
        Luna Seeker
        Mirror Image
        Death Endpoint
        Que Sera Sera Stance
        Self Sacrifice
        Empty Love
    Bolstering Items (Rings/Buffs):
        Recall Happiness
        Recall Law
        Recall Madness Sync
        Recall Holy Belief
        Recall Peace Wrath
        Note: might be more.
F2 = Torment (DEF/UP) [Rare - III]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
        My Shadow Light
        Oblivion Trick
    Bolstering Items (Rings/Buffs):
        Recall Active All
        Recall Passive All
        Recall Blessing
        Recall Resilience
        Recall Gnosis
        Note: might be more.
F3 = Kuon's Feelings (ATK) [Rare - III]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
        Tear Rheology - Rei

F4 = Parting Thought (ATK) [Rare - III]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
      Broken Nostalgia - Kokoro  

F5 = Evil Thought (ATK) [Rare - III]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
      Aesthetic Light - Sen
F6 = Pure Thought (ATK) [Rare - III]
    Aggressive Items (Weapons):
        Smile Shine - Nanana
F7 = Kuon's Thought (DEF) [Rare - III]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
       Eternity Agape - Rei 
F8 = Parting Thought (DEF) [Rare - III]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
        Embrace Scar - Kokoro
F9 = Evil Thought (DEF) [Rare - III]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
        Know Ignorance - Sen
FA = Pure Thought (DEF) [Rare - III]
    Protective Items (Defensive Gear):
        Happiness Sense! - Nanana
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