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EU Starter Modded Dysmantle - Ultimate Starter Save [CUSA15128]


Elite Gamer
November 22, 2020
Hello and welcome to the Ultimate starter save For DYSMANTLE.

All Resources are Maxed Out = 99999

You Start with the Power Fist, khopesh and Gas Mask.

You are at the start of the game with 2 camp fires lit and 2 quests completed.
which was needed to make this save possible.


Download Save

Other Saves:

Editing Medals..

If You wish to edit medals the copying and replacing the following will leave you one away on every medal for completion.
This Will Corrupt Your Save.
Before editing your save always make a Backup and proceed at your own risk.

<array id="MEDALS">
<node id="DISTANCE_TRAVELLED" amount="199999" amount_ack="199999" goal_index="0" />
<node id="RADIOS" amount="65" amount_ack="65" goal_index="0" />
<node id="MATERIALS_COLLECTED_COMMON" amount="3999" amount_ack="3999" goal_index="0" />
<node id="MATERIALS_COLLECTED_UNCOMMON" amount="2999" amount_ack="2999" goal_index="0" />
<node id="MATERIALS_COLLECTED_RARE" amount="2499" amount_ack="2499" goal_index="0" />
<node id="MATERIALS_COLLECTED_EPIC" amount="199" amount_ack="199" goal_index="0" />
<node id="MATERIALS_COLLECTED_LEGENDARY" amount="49" amount_ack="49" goal_index="0" />
<node id="OBJECTS_BROKEN" amount="3999" amount_ack="3999" goal_index="0" />
<node id="MONSTERS_KILLED" amount="999" amount_ack="999" goal_index="0" />
<node id="RECIPES_INVENTED" amount="79" amount_ack="79" goal_index="0" />
<node id="CAMPFIRES_LIT" amount="102" amount_ack="102" goal_index="0" />
<node id="LINK_TOWERS_ACTIVATED" amount="18" amount_ack="18" goal_index="0" />
<node id="FARMER" amount="199" amount_ack="199" goal_index="0" />
<node id="HOURS_SLEPT" amount="275" amount_ack="275" goal_index="0" />
<node id="WISHING_WELLS" amount="39" amount_ack="39" goal_index="0" />
<node id="COMBAT_OBELISKS" amount="6" amount_ack="6" goal_index="0" />
<node id="TREASURES_DIGGED" amount="24" amount_ack="24" goal_index="0" />
<node id="TOMBS_COMPLETED" amount="19" amount_ack="19" goal_index="0" />
<node id="ANIMALS_KILLED" amount="99" amount_ack="99" goal_index="0" />
<node id="ANIMALS_TAMED" amount="79" amount_ack="79" goal_index="0" />
<node id="TREES_CUT_DOWN" amount="249" amount_ack="249" goal_index="0" />
<node id="FISHES_CAUGHT" amount="124" amount_ack="124" goal_index="0" />
<node id="STRUCTURES_BUILT" amount="199" amount_ack="199" goal_index="0" />
<node id="TIMED_CRATES_OPENED" amount="51" amount_ack="51" goal_index="0" />
<node id="LINK_TOWERS_LEVELED_UP" amount="18" amount_ack="18" goal_index="0" />

i need one more trophy for the platinum on this game once the treasure hunter trophy is completed i will release some saves to get the grindy trophies for this pretty cool game i have loved playing it. I got far enough in the game to make this starter save with the data i unlocked.
i need one more trophy for the platinum on this game once the treasure hunter trophy is completed i will release some saves to get the grindy trophies for this pretty cool game i have loved playing it. I got far enough in the game to make this starter save with the data i unlocked.

As promised here are the other saves,
Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to use the file because it's uploaded as a .Rar instead of .Zip file. I've tried extracting and recompressing. I've tried extracting specific files into new folders. I;ve even tried zipping it and just uploading it into save wizard. Nothing works.