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Multi [EU/US] Elden Ring Platinum Trophy Save Set [CUSA18581]

Hey everyone, here is a complete platinum trophy save set for Elden Ring, they are placed in a natural order. You are god mode in these saves so you should not have any problems defeating the bosses, the saves should work for players that have the EU & US version of the game. It is confirmed that they do not work on other regions. Enjoy :jeb:

1. Roundtable Hold
Rest at the bonfire for the roundtable Hold Trophy

2. Margit The Fell Omen
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss

3. Shardbearer Godrick
Keep going straight and kill the boss

4. Great Rune
Interact with the thing in front of you

5. Leonine Misbegotten
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss

6. Red Wolf of Redagon
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss

7. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Go Through the door in front of you and kill the boss

8. Royal Knight Loretta
Go Through the gate in front of you, keep heading staight and kill the boss

9. Shardbearer Radahn
Go Through the portal in front of you and kill the boss

10. Magma Wyrm Makar
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss

11. Ancestor Spirit
Interact with the thing in front of you, go through the mist and kill the boss

12. Mimic Tear
Go through the mist and kill the boss

13. Regal Ancestor Spirit
Go Through the mist and kill the boss

14. Valiant Gargoyle
Keep going straight and kill the bosses

15. Lichdragon Fortissax
Interact with the woman sleeping in front of you, choose yes and kill the boss

16. Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
Keep going straight to spawn the boss and kill it

17. Astel, Naturalborn of the void.
Go Through the mist and kill the boss

18. Godfrey, The First Lord
Go Through the mist and kill the boss

19. Shardbearer Margott
Go Through the mist and kill the boss

20. Godskin Noble
Go inside the church and kill the boss

21. Shardbearer Rykard
Go through the portal,then through the mist and kill the boss.
(Equip the serpent hunter weapon you can find in the beginning for better damage)

22.Mogh, the Omen
Keep going straight and kill the boss

23. Elemer Of The Briar
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss

24. Commander Niall
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss

25.Fire Giant
Keep going straight and kill the red giant you see in the distance
(For the first part of the fight aim for his left leg)

26. Erdtree Aflame
Rest at the grace in front of you and choose 'Talk to Melina'
choose 'I am Ready'at the next dialogue promt. Trophy will pop after the cutscene

27. Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree
Keep going straight and kill the boss

28. Shardbearer Malenia
Go Through the mist in front of you and kill the boss
She sometimes heals when she hits you so try dodging in the first part,
for the second part of the fight just keep bashing her and when you get inflicted with scarlet rot
use 'preserving boluses', I only had 2 of these on me at this point so use it wisely

29. Shardbearer Mohg
Go through the mist in front of you and kill the boss
When he casts 'Nihil', use the 'flask of wondrou Physick' so you dont die

30 & 31. Godskin Duo & Godslaying Armament
You can use this save for both trophies
Godskin Duo:
Go through the mist in front of you and kill the bosses
Godslaying Armament:
Go to the smith at roundtable hold and upgrade the sword to +10 for the godslaying armament trophy

32. Dragonlord Placidusax
There is a spot in front of where you can lie down, do this and kill the boss that appears

33. Maliketh the Black Blade
Go through the mist and kill the boss

34. Legendary Ashen Remains
Open the chest in front of you and grab the item to pop the trophy

35. Legendary Sorceries and Incantations
Open the chest in front of you and grab the item to pop the trophy

36. Legendary talismans
Open the chest in front of you and grab the item to pop the trophy

37. Legendary Armaments
Go through the mist and kill the boss
(I did not have the Sword of Night and Flame but the trophy still popped for me)

If the Legendary Armaments trophy does not pop, drop the already acquired legendary weapons and pick them back up. Just make sure you select "Leave" and not "Discard" obviously. I would also suggest not dropping them all at once because there's a chance some of them will disappear.[Thank you ResidentWeevil for finding this solution after the most recent patch)

Also, I did not go and get the Sword of of Night and Flame when I tested this dropping method, so you still don't need it

38. Hoarax Loux the Warrior
Go through the mist and kill the boss

39-40. Age of the Stars & Elden Lord
You can use this save for both trophies
Age of the Stars
Touch the blue summon sign
Elden Lord
Touch the Statue and choose 'Use Mending Rune of the Death-Prince'

41. Lord of Frenzied Flame
Touch the Statue

Goodluck :catjam:

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