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Multi Insta-Plat PS4-PS5 Gran Turismo 7 INSTANT PLAT PS4/PS5 [CUSA24767] [CUSA24769] [CUSA24765] [CUSA24771]

Re: Gran Turismo 7 INSTANT PLAT PS4/PS5 [CUSA24767] [CUSA24769] [CUSA24765] [CUSA2477

I also have the issue where after re-signing, transfering over and disconnecting from the network, that it gives the 3 prompts about internet but then goes straight into Music Rally mode (after the Playstation intro thing). Upon going into Music Rally mode, you can stop and wait for the timer to run out failing the mission and sit on the screen to "retry" or "End" until GT7 is available to be played. Upon clicking the button to go into gt7 proper and selecting World Map, the game loads the intro video. I had let it run almost all the way through but nothing popped for me. Could this be an issue with using the Digital version of the game and not the disk based version? Does that even matter? Does it matter which version of Save Wizard that I used to re-sign the save with? I use the Savewizard.online one and have been using that for a lot of my stuff, never tried re-signing until today, but it shows that the saves I did resign, are in my name now. Any thoughts on why this would be? Not a huge deal, but was curious.
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