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October 20, 2020
The trophy system in this game was designed by an idiot so please follow the instructions VERY carefully.

Save 0 - Interactive Drama/Happy Birthday - Start a new game and draw the house until you sign your name, set the table, and play with Jayden first.
When you play with Shaun don't stop until the game makes you. Then play until the end of Father & Son in
a single go, no pausing the game at all. (Like I said, some trophies take multiple episodes).

Save 1 - Good Father - Tuck shaun in, kiss him goodnight, close the window blind, walk outside & close the door, watch the scene.
Private Eye - In the next scene with Lauren choose compassionate-convince-trick, all options after that don't matter.
White Knight - Walk down the hall and use your inhaler, then go back, bang on the door, crash in, and win the fight.

Save 2 - White Knight (backup) - This is a save just before the fight in case that's all you need.

Save 3 - FBI Investigator - Walk forward and press R1 to reveal the last two clues: footprints and tire tracks. Scan them, then go down to your car and leave.

Save 4 - Good Friends - Play on the seesaw, merry-go-round, and buy Shaun candy. Then complete the episode.

Save 5 - Got to Remember! - Choose these options 4:15-Beige-Green. Then complete the episode.
Negotiator - When the store gets robbed go around the far left side and choose calm-help-reason-name-killer?-drop weapon.

Save 6 - VIP - Finish with the envelope, go out back, hop over the fence on the right (Ethan's left), and get in your car. (pops after lexington station).
Agoragphobia - Turn around and run into 50 people before time runs out (Easier than you think).
Lucky Locker - Only try locker 18-03. (All three pop after getting to the motel, for some people they may not pop until leaving the motel).

Save 7 - Self Control - When you get the option use psychology-psychology-reassure-calm down-back off-drop gun-hands up-turn around.
Blunder - Reload the save and press R1 to shoot him.

Save 8 - Baby Master - Wash your hands, then take care of the baby without making a mistake. Afterwards just finish the episode.

Save 9 - Kamikaze/Good Driver - Follow the guide on https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/heavy-rain-ps4/guide/ button presses are just O and X on easy mode.

Save 10 - Cat & Mouse - Don't make any mistakes with the QTEs.

Save 11 - Tough Guy - Don't miss any of the QTEs.

Save 12 - Coward! - Drop down off the ledge and walk out the door like the coward you are.
Electrified - Reload the save. Start with the fourth opening from the door, then go straight-left-right-straight. Then finish the episode.

Save 13 - Bad Cop - Just stand there like an idiot.
Good Cop - Reload the save. Keep talking to to stop Blake, the shrink will still get beaten.

Save 14 - Gold Finger - Start the video. Collect the disinfectant from the medicine cabinet, then use your choice of the axe, knife, or pliers.
Finally, disinfect the wound, and finish the episode.
Butcher - Reload the save. Use the saw or scissors, then finish the episode.

Save 15 - Hands Up! - Get arrested.
Ludwig Von - After arguing with Blake, go back to your office. Don't mess up playing the piano, then finish the episode.
Wise Guy - Go through the three new clues, then turn off the camera before helping Ethan escape.
Fugitive - Reload the save. Go across the tracks to the other platform and get on the train.

Save 16 - Detox - Do the QTEs. I recommend getting him into the shower (it's the fastest option).

Save 17 - I'm not a Killer! - Let him live.
I'm a Killer... - Reload the save. Kill him.
Smart Girl - Accept the drink, but never actually drink it. (You can drink to get to Queen of Ropes quicker if that's what you need).
Queen of Ropes - Start with the right leg, then do the QTEs.

Save 18 - Goodbye Mad Jack - Go inspect the acid pit and win the fight. Choose impress, then do NOT press R1. Win the final fight.

Save 19 - The Chef - Fix the omlet, don't worry about anything else. (This save is for those who already have the previous trophy.
You may have to reload the episode after finishing to make it pop)

Save 20 - I'm not Scared! - Ye shall walk the plank!! Then make two more jumps, cheat at hide-n-seek,
and just stand there and watch your brother drown like the little sociopath you are. (It'll unlock after the graveyard).

Save 21 - Pride Saved - Walk in and start stripping. Choose lamp from the speech option, then use the lamp after she bends over. Finish episode.

Save 22 - Unforgivable - Get dressed, go through Madison's jacket, then do NOT forgive her. (You can get arrested to end the episode faster).
Lover Boy - Reload the save. Get dressed, go through Madison's jacket, then forgive her.
Escape Master - Make it to the phone in the lobby, choose 207. Go through the QTEs and choose to jump at the end.

Save 23 - Swimming Instructor - After getting your hands free, choose to save Lauren BEFORE going for the window. (Can continue from previous episode).

Save 24 - Invincible Scott - Do all the QTEs in the episode perfectly. (Can continue from previous save).
Kind Hearted - The medicine is in the top right drawer.

Save 25 - Clever Dad - Choose NOT to take the poison and guess 852 Teodore Roosevelt Road. (Pops after Killer's Place, jump out the window to end it faster).
Nerd - go to clues, analyze and geoanalyze the gas station receipts, analyze the OK's gun, select killer is cop, investigate further, geoanalyze killer is cop.
Sacrifice/Trial Master - Reload the save. Take the poison. (Might pop right away, might pop after Killer's Place).
Nerd (second chance) - Follow the same steps listed two lines above.
Cold as Ice - Get in the refrigerator.

Save 26 - Cold as Ice - Get in the refrigerator. (This is to skip through the story if Sacrifice/Trial Master pop right away).

Save 27 - Saved the Kid/Heavy Rain Hero/So Close... - Get Shaun out, let Jayden die, Let Madison get arrested, put Shaun down before going through the door.
Simple Mind/Four Heroes - Reload the save. Get Shaun out, win the fight, save Scott, get Madison into the warehouse, pickup Shaun and walk outside.

Save 28 - Perfect Crime - Let Jayden die and perform CPR on Shaun.

: [hide]Heavy Rain Saves[/hide]
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