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Multi Homefront the Revolution save compilation


October 28, 2020
These are reposts from NGU. All credit to original posters. I have not used or tested these saves.

Sadly, and surprisingly, there is no save wizard support for this game.

[US]Homefront the revolution [CUSA01012] by hess47

Here's Difficulty save. Last check point. USA


[EU]Homefront The Revolution multiple saveset [CUSA00938] by evildrake

Hello couldn't find any EU saves for this game so I'm posting some hopefully some of you will find these useful.Smile

Homefront The Revolution EU 5.55 CUSA00938 multiple saveset

Trophies you can get with these saves

Save 1
Inside Job - Infiltrate a KPA Stronghold and deactivate the valve without being detected -
For this trophy you should take over the Hinkin Manufacturing Stronghold.

Adaptive warfare - Get a kill with every weapon and modification -
Just kill some KPA with any of the guns the character has and it should pop.

Accessorize - Just add an attachment to any of the guns.

Take me out - Perform 30 take downs on KPA snipers - Just run around area until you find a sniper and stealth kill them.

Guerrilla Master - Deploy every type of GTK item at least once - Just throw a GTK doesn't matter which one.

Fighting fire with fire - Kill 100 KPA using hacked drones - just hack a armored car and when it kills a KPA soldier the trophy should pop.

Gogigui - Continue on to independence hall main mission and follow this video.
Easy 5 Kills with Molotov (Achievement) / Homefront: The Revolution - YouTube

Part-timer and Jobsworth - Just complete one job.

Dear diary - Just collect Journal 11 for trophy to pop follow this guide to find it.
Lombard - Red zone | Journals and jobs - Homefront: The Revolution Game Guide & Walkthrough | gamepressure.com

The bigger they are - Kill 20 heavies - Just kill one heavy and the tropy will pop.

Can't stop the signal - Activate 20 HAM radios - Just activate one more radio for the trophy to pop.

Surprise! - Kill 20 KPA using proximity based GTK items - Just do this one more time and trophy should pop.

Striking Back - Capture 30 Strike Points - Just capture one more strike point.

Save 2
Conqueror trophy - Take over Stronghold at the top of the area.

Flash ah aaaahhh! - In old town just run about the area until a flashpoint occurs trophy should pop once's it's complete.

It's a trap - Kill 10 KPA using Resistance traps-
I thought i had made a save for this before i captured most of the area but turn's out i forgot but you can get this with save 2
there is a trap on the left side of the stronghold after i got a airship to detect me i got a KPA soldier to follow me there.

Save 3
Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range -
Just upgrade any of the guns the save has plenty of money for this trophy.

Oh a piece of candy! - Distract 30 KPA from their guard posts in yellow zone without being detected.
Outside of the building where the save start's there should be a free prisoner event just throw a Noise GTK and trophy should pop.

Land of the free - Finish the single player campaign on any difficulty -
Just continue the main story.

Save 4
This is our town Nork - Capture all Strike Points -
Had to start a new play-through for this as it glitched on me just capture any strike point on the map it should pop.

I'm going to take a break from the game for awhile but i will try to get the Death-wish difficulty trophy if i manage to complete the game on it i will post a save for it.