The set is now complete. Ultimate platinum save working for NG+ as of Patch 1.14!

The profile save you may use yours. Otherwise you’ll have to watch the unskippable initial
cutscene all over again and start a new game before being able to load my save.
Text Guide
1. Reached the Daunt: hit continue and the trophy will pop after a few seconds. If not,
load the previous save (backup) and talk to the npc right next to you.
2. Secured Passage to the Embassy: go to the mission marker nearby and talk to the npc. The trophy will pop after the cutscene.
3. Attended the Embassy: hit continue and the trophy will pop after the 30 minutes cutscene. You should skip it.
4. Established the Base: hit continue and the trophy will pop after a few seconds. If not, load the previous save (backup) and talk to the npc right next to you. You can also obtain the trophy Picked up 5 Heavy Weapons from save 4 onwards by picking up 1 of the following weapons: Shellsnapper Frost Cannon; Tremortusk Shock Cannon; Tremortusk Plasma Cannon; Thunderjaw Disc Launcher; Stalker Dart Gun; Specter Pulse Cannon (only weapons dropped by machines are counted for this trophy).
5. Reached Level 20 + Skill Tree Learned + Unlocked 3 Weapon Techniques + Fully Upgraded a Valor Surge: just talk to the npc right in front of you to level up. After that, unlock all the skills you need for the other related skills trophies. You can also upgrade the Food Pouch for the trophy Upgraded Every Pouch Type at the workbench nearby, and your armor and weapons for the trophies Upgraded 3 Outfits and Upgraded 3 Weapons (I spend the last 20 hours farming tons of resources so you’ll have more than enough to upgrade everything you need). Upgrade the rare (blue) bow I have to also unlock the Enhanced Weapon with Coils trophy by equipping 2 coils on it. There’s also a Tallneck nearby if you don’t want to pop First Tallneck Overridden and All Tallnecks Overridden at the same time.
6. Saved the Daunt: turn in the active mission. The trophy will pop during the cutscene. You can also go to the nearest city using fast travel and win 1 more game for the trophy Defeated Machine Strike Challengers - or use the Platinum Save (30) to get it, when you'll have more "machines" - although it’s a very easy one.
7. First Rebel Camp Completed: just go to the active quest marker nearby and press triangle to finish the mission.
8. First Core Overridden: just press R2 on the console right in front of you. You can also do 1 Vista Point nearby for the trophy Recovered 5 Different Collectables.
9. Reached Level 30 + Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts + Completed 4 Rebel Outposts: same as the save for level 20, just talk to the npc right in front of you and both level 20 and savage contracts trophies will pop. You may complete 1 more rebel outpost for its related trophy from this save until save 25 - you can do now or late in game with better weapons and the map 100% unlocked. You can also get the trophy Used Dye Flowers from Gana (dyer) in Plainsong and the Obtained All Weapon Classes trophy by buying the Shredder Gauntlet from the Hunter (Merchant) in Scalding Spear - or use the Platinum Save (30) to get this last one.
10. Recovered AETHER: just press R2 on the console right in front of you and the trophy will pop.
11. Recovered Beta: go to the active mission marker nearby and talk to Beta to turn in the mission.
12. Recovered POSEIDON: same as save 10 (AETHER), just press R2 on the console right in front of you and the trophy will pop.
13. Recovered DEMETER: go to the active mission marker inside the base and talk to GAIA to turn in the quest. You can also get the trophy Won 2 Gauntlet Races by winning the next race (from this save until save 24).
14. Discovered Faro's Fate: finish the mission and the trophy will pop after the cutscene.
15. All Tallnecks Overridden: I left the easiest one to you. Just follow the active mission marker (potential spoilers).
Also, you’re 10 minutes away from the next trophy (save 16). By getting it on this save you can skip the step 16.
16. Flew on the Wings of the Ten: checkpoint at the final part of the battle. Finish it and the trophy will pop after the cutscene. You can lower the difficulty if you want.
17. Discovered Nemesis: the final boss is down, just walk a few meters towards the active mission marker to finish the story. The trophy will pop after the credits. You can skip all cutscenes to save time.
18. All Cores Overridden: just press R2 on the console right in front of you.
19. Completed 3 Relic Ruins: follow a video to get the 3rd relic. The path is already unlocked. Or you can use the Sunwing to reach the top.
20. Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting Ground + Completed Arena Challenge Set: the last hunting challenge has already been done, just talk to the groundskeeper right in front of you to collect your reward (QUICKSAVE4 - 10:30 PM) and complete the last arena challenge of the first set (AUTOSAVE3 - 10:35 PM). Both can be easily completed under 1 minute on History difficulty.
21. All Machine Types Scanned: you have two choices to get this trophy. You can either select the next challenge in the Arena or go to the Incinerator spot nearby to scan this last machine. By killing it the trophy All Combat Machines Killed will also pop if you still don’t have it. You may use the explosive spear on History difficulty to hit kill everything.
22. Defeated the Enduring: win the duel against the woman right in front of you and the trophy will pop when the cutscene starts.
23. Chose a Desert Commander: just finish the mission. No matter which side you pick.
24. Reached Level 50 + Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests: I managed to have 48999/49999 xp, you just need 1 more xp to level 50 on (QUICKSAVE2 - 08:08 PM). You can kill a machine, kill a bird, turn down a quest or whatever you want to get a nice print, in case this is your only trophy left to the platinum. If you complete the active mission, the trophy Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests will also pop, it’s near the very end. Or you can resign the other file (QUICKSAVE1 - 08:16 PM) on this same save and just talk to the npc to finish it. This is also the last opportunity for the trophy Won 2 Gauntlet Races by winning the next race.
25. Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting Grounds: same as save 20, the last hunting challenge has already been done, just talk to the groundskeeper right in front of you to collect your reward.
26. Recovered Alva's Data: just press triangle to interact with the console right in from of you and the trophy will pop after the short dialogue.
27. Healed the Land-gods: same as the previous save (26), just press triangle to talk to Zoe outside the city and the trophy will pop after the short cutscene.
28. Aided Kotallo: just hit continue and the trophy will pop after the cutscene. You can either do nothing or press square to skip it.
29. Defeated Asera: just press triangle to talk to Elrend. The trophy will pop after the short cutscene.
30. Platinum Save: the remaining trophies can be obtained by doing 1 more of each requirement using this 100% save (this method was tested twice by myself as of Patch 1.09 in March 2022), which are:
All Recon Machines Killed
All Transport Machines Killed
All Acquisition Machines Killed
All Combat Machines Killed
10 Types of Machine Overridden
Rode All Regular Mounts
Tore off 100 Components
Used all Elemental States
Performed 3 Melee Combos
Stealth Killed 10 Machines
Obtained All Weapon Classes
Enhanced Weapon with Coils
Upgraded 3 Weapons
Upgraded 3 Outfits
Defeated Machine Strike Challengers
Completed a Long Glide
Use this save for the PS5 auto-pop.
» You can resign almost all saves simultaneously, but I separated them in individual folders to simplify things.
load the previous save (backup) and talk to the npc right next to you.
2. Secured Passage to the Embassy: go to the mission marker nearby and talk to the npc. The trophy will pop after the cutscene.
3. Attended the Embassy: hit continue and the trophy will pop after the 30 minutes cutscene. You should skip it.
4. Established the Base: hit continue and the trophy will pop after a few seconds. If not, load the previous save (backup) and talk to the npc right next to you. You can also obtain the trophy Picked up 5 Heavy Weapons from save 4 onwards by picking up 1 of the following weapons: Shellsnapper Frost Cannon; Tremortusk Shock Cannon; Tremortusk Plasma Cannon; Thunderjaw Disc Launcher; Stalker Dart Gun; Specter Pulse Cannon (only weapons dropped by machines are counted for this trophy).
5. Reached Level 20 + Skill Tree Learned + Unlocked 3 Weapon Techniques + Fully Upgraded a Valor Surge: just talk to the npc right in front of you to level up. After that, unlock all the skills you need for the other related skills trophies. You can also upgrade the Food Pouch for the trophy Upgraded Every Pouch Type at the workbench nearby, and your armor and weapons for the trophies Upgraded 3 Outfits and Upgraded 3 Weapons (I spend the last 20 hours farming tons of resources so you’ll have more than enough to upgrade everything you need). Upgrade the rare (blue) bow I have to also unlock the Enhanced Weapon with Coils trophy by equipping 2 coils on it. There’s also a Tallneck nearby if you don’t want to pop First Tallneck Overridden and All Tallnecks Overridden at the same time.
6. Saved the Daunt: turn in the active mission. The trophy will pop during the cutscene. You can also go to the nearest city using fast travel and win 1 more game for the trophy Defeated Machine Strike Challengers - or use the Platinum Save (30) to get it, when you'll have more "machines" - although it’s a very easy one.
7. First Rebel Camp Completed: just go to the active quest marker nearby and press triangle to finish the mission.
8. First Core Overridden: just press R2 on the console right in front of you. You can also do 1 Vista Point nearby for the trophy Recovered 5 Different Collectables.
9. Reached Level 30 + Completed a Set of Salvage Contracts + Completed 4 Rebel Outposts: same as the save for level 20, just talk to the npc right in front of you and both level 20 and savage contracts trophies will pop. You may complete 1 more rebel outpost for its related trophy from this save until save 25 - you can do now or late in game with better weapons and the map 100% unlocked. You can also get the trophy Used Dye Flowers from Gana (dyer) in Plainsong and the Obtained All Weapon Classes trophy by buying the Shredder Gauntlet from the Hunter (Merchant) in Scalding Spear - or use the Platinum Save (30) to get this last one.
10. Recovered AETHER: just press R2 on the console right in front of you and the trophy will pop.
11. Recovered Beta: go to the active mission marker nearby and talk to Beta to turn in the mission.
12. Recovered POSEIDON: same as save 10 (AETHER), just press R2 on the console right in front of you and the trophy will pop.
13. Recovered DEMETER: go to the active mission marker inside the base and talk to GAIA to turn in the quest. You can also get the trophy Won 2 Gauntlet Races by winning the next race (from this save until save 24).
14. Discovered Faro's Fate: finish the mission and the trophy will pop after the cutscene.
15. All Tallnecks Overridden: I left the easiest one to you. Just follow the active mission marker (potential spoilers).
Also, you’re 10 minutes away from the next trophy (save 16). By getting it on this save you can skip the step 16.
16. Flew on the Wings of the Ten: checkpoint at the final part of the battle. Finish it and the trophy will pop after the cutscene. You can lower the difficulty if you want.
17. Discovered Nemesis: the final boss is down, just walk a few meters towards the active mission marker to finish the story. The trophy will pop after the credits. You can skip all cutscenes to save time.
18. All Cores Overridden: just press R2 on the console right in front of you.
19. Completed 3 Relic Ruins: follow a video to get the 3rd relic. The path is already unlocked. Or you can use the Sunwing to reach the top.
20. Obtained 3 Stripes at a Hunting Ground + Completed Arena Challenge Set: the last hunting challenge has already been done, just talk to the groundskeeper right in front of you to collect your reward (QUICKSAVE4 - 10:30 PM) and complete the last arena challenge of the first set (AUTOSAVE3 - 10:35 PM). Both can be easily completed under 1 minute on History difficulty.
21. All Machine Types Scanned: you have two choices to get this trophy. You can either select the next challenge in the Arena or go to the Incinerator spot nearby to scan this last machine. By killing it the trophy All Combat Machines Killed will also pop if you still don’t have it. You may use the explosive spear on History difficulty to hit kill everything.
22. Defeated the Enduring: win the duel against the woman right in front of you and the trophy will pop when the cutscene starts.
23. Chose a Desert Commander: just finish the mission. No matter which side you pick.
24. Reached Level 50 + Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests: I managed to have 48999/49999 xp, you just need 1 more xp to level 50 on (QUICKSAVE2 - 08:08 PM). You can kill a machine, kill a bird, turn down a quest or whatever you want to get a nice print, in case this is your only trophy left to the platinum. If you complete the active mission, the trophy Completed 2 Flying Mount Quests will also pop, it’s near the very end. Or you can resign the other file (QUICKSAVE1 - 08:16 PM) on this same save and just talk to the npc to finish it. This is also the last opportunity for the trophy Won 2 Gauntlet Races by winning the next race.
25. Obtained 3 Stripes at All Hunting Grounds: same as save 20, the last hunting challenge has already been done, just talk to the groundskeeper right in front of you to collect your reward.
26. Recovered Alva's Data: just press triangle to interact with the console right in from of you and the trophy will pop after the short dialogue.
27. Healed the Land-gods: same as the previous save (26), just press triangle to talk to Zoe outside the city and the trophy will pop after the short cutscene.
28. Aided Kotallo: just hit continue and the trophy will pop after the cutscene. You can either do nothing or press square to skip it.
29. Defeated Asera: just press triangle to talk to Elrend. The trophy will pop after the short cutscene.
30. Platinum Save: the remaining trophies can be obtained by doing 1 more of each requirement using this 100% save (this method was tested twice by myself as of Patch 1.09 in March 2022), which are:
All Recon Machines Killed
All Transport Machines Killed
All Acquisition Machines Killed
All Combat Machines Killed
10 Types of Machine Overridden
Rode All Regular Mounts
Tore off 100 Components
Used all Elemental States
Performed 3 Melee Combos
Stealth Killed 10 Machines
Obtained All Weapon Classes
Enhanced Weapon with Coils
Upgraded 3 Weapons
Upgraded 3 Outfits
Defeated Machine Strike Challengers
Completed a Long Glide
Use this save for the PS5 auto-pop.
» You can resign almost all saves simultaneously, but I separated them in individual folders to simplify things.
Update: I've just made an Ultimate Platinum Save with every single thing done/unlocked.
Collectibles 100% (all Survey Drones, all Black Boxes, all Relic Ruins, all Vista Points, all Signal Towers
& all War Totems). All Hologram/RCC/Museum Datapoints. All Side Quests & Errands done. All Sunken
Caverns completed. Skill tree 100%. Pouch upgrades 100%. Have all Legendary weapons and armors maxed.
Have all Coils and Weaves. Have Kratos' face paint (Easter Egg). Have all upgrade resources. Arena 100%
completed. Map 100% unlocked (no clouds, even in Far Zenith’s base). 100+ hours in game. Modded using
Wizard’s Advanced Mode. Perfect starter save for the New Game Plus! Unfortunately, the 100% progression is still
broken - 1 character bio (fixed), 1 machine override, a couple of machine variations and a few audio datapoints
are glitched. I'll be updating the save as they add new stuff. Completion Overview:

For the DLC related trophies, check out this amazing save by excuse:
press continue run to console skip cutscenes for new game plus ultra hard then go to any shop and buy the legendary weapons for all new game plus items trophy also a big thanks to raging for his awesome new game plus starter saveTo see this hidden content, you must react with one of the following reactions :Love
Don't know how to instant platinum? Check out this video:
Link to download the Complete Save Set Without Cheats (163 MB):
Link to download only the Ultimate Modded Platinum Save (5 MB):
Link to download the 100% Save with DLC Auto-Pop (5 MB):
You must click the like button with the thumbs up

(lower right, under user postbit) to see the download link.
These saves were made and tested by RAGING as of Patch 1.09 in March 2022 (PS4 System Firmware 9.50)

For exclusive use on PlayerSquared.
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