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US Lego DC Super Villains 100% PLATINUM (CUSA11542)


Aproveitando que esse jogo saiu na Plus estou trazendo meu save platina de Lego DC na versão US, aproveitem com esse save a platina fica muito mais facil, basta fazer uma ação de cada para desbloquear os trofeus mais demorados, se você se importa com ranking aconselho a usar meu save apos terminar a campanha.(não recordo mas acho que os trofeus relacionados a historia deveram ser feitos de forma legitima). Comentem ai pra eu saber que isso foi util.

As this game came out on Plus I'm bringing my save platinum Lego DC in the US version, enjoy with this save platinum is much easier, just do one action each to unlock the more time consuming trophies, if you care about ranking, I advise to use my save after finishing the campaign.(I don't remember but I think the trophies related to the story should be done legitimately). Comment there so I know that this was useful.


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very nice , thanks
for some reason on one I tried the files were corrupted the files are for lego dc super villains and the way I did it was download on my phone extract the file copy the CUSA11542 file then moved it to a flash drive with other ps4 games on it does it have to do with it being a 100% platinum