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EU Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae Full Platinum Saveset [CUSA02166]


March 25, 2021
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I made any save set. This is one of the Hardest games I had to platinum. But with this Complete Platinum Saveset it’s so easy.

*One thing to keep in mind, in INFERNO difficulty you die from 1 hit. So, I added a video in the Folder to see how I easily killed the final boss. Just be patient and remember the game is supposed to be hard haha!

SAVE 1: [EASY: STAGE1 WAVE1 00:00:00]
TEN LIVES: kill 10 enemies.
YOUR LIFE IS MINE: kill a bleeding enemy with R2
GLEAMING EDGE: Hold Circle then release.
DIVINE: do a combo until the ZEAL level next to your HP turns Red.
KENSHI: Choose the TUTORIAL from the Main menu and complete it

SAVE 2: [EASY: STAGE1 WAVE2 00:01:53]
READY FOR ANYTHING: Go to UPGRADE from the Pause menu and buy all upgrades
TOUGHNESS: Go to UPGRADE from the Pause menu and buy all upgrades
DILIGENCE: Go to UPGRADE from the Pause menu and buy all upgrades
PROVIDENT: Kill 1 more enemy.
50 HIT COMBO: Reach 50 Hits Combo.
100 HIT COMBO: Reach 100 Hits Combo.
RAGING EDGE: Hold Circle + R1 + R1, then release.
INSIGHT: Press L2 before an enemy attack to do a PERFECT GUARD.
MIND'S EYE: Press L2 before an enemy attack to do a PERFECT GUARD. Do it 10 Times.
[you can spam L2 For this one]

UNMATCHED: After a PERFECT GUARD press Triangle.
UNTOUCHABLE: After a PERFECT GUARD press Triangle. Do it 10 Times.
[It’s easier if you keep holding L2]

FLASH OF LIGHT: Press Circle exactly before an enemy attack.
ULTIMATE LIGHT: Press Circle exactly before an enemy attack 10 times.
[this counter is exterimly hard so be patient it has to be 1 frame before the attack]

SAVE 3: [EASY: STAGE1 WAVE6 00:24:39]
KAINA: Kill the Boss.

SAVE 4: [EASY: STAGE2 WAVE2 00:27:08]
HUNDRED LIVES: you need to kill around 11 more enemies.
PREPARE YOURSELF: You need to kill around 13 more bleeding enemies with R2.

SAVE 5: [EASY: STAGE2 WAVE5 00:33:28]
ALL MUST FALL: You need to kill around 17 more bleeding enemies with R2.

SAVE 6: [EASY: STAGE2 WAVE6 00:36:35]
KAISER: Kill the Boss.

SAVE 7: [EASY: STAGE3 WAVE6 00:45:26]
SUZUKA: Kill the Boss.

SAVE 8: [EASY: STAGE4 WAVE6 00:53:12]
MAGATSU KAINA: Kill the Boss.

SAVE 9: [EASY: STAGE5 WAVE1 00:54:23]
MAGATSU SUZUKA: Kill the boss.

SAVE 10: [EASY: STAGE5 WAVE2 00:57:19]
MAGATSU HINO TSURUGI: Kill the Final boss.
KENKAKU: Kill the Final boss.

SAVE 11: [NORMAL: STAGE5 WAVE2 01:48:35]
KENGO: Kill the Final boss.

SAVE 12: [HARD: STAGE3 WAVE4 02:37:57]
THOUSAND LIVES: You need to kill around 36 enemies, This Wave has more than 80 enemies.

SAVE 13: [HARD: STAGE5 WAVE2 03:26:09]
KENSEI: Kill the Final boss.

SAVE 14: [VERY HARD: STAGE5 WAVE2 06:02:11]
MITSURUGI: Kill the Final boss.

SAVE 15: [INFERNO: STAGE5 WAVE2 08:14:57]
TOP OF HER CLASS: Kill the Final boss.
