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No Man's Sky Living Ship Code


February 5, 2020
Originally written by tek0099 at NGU

For those who want it, this is an advanced mode edit. I acquired one of these ships the normal long long boring waiting way on one save then I applied it to a different one I had not even started the quest on and it works fine.
First find a ship you don't mind parting with. Next delete, or store everything in the ships inventory and delete all the parts/components that you can.
Give the ship a unique name; such as Living Ship. Save your progress then export your save to usb drive.
Once advanced mode is loaded search for Living Ship or the name you chose.
Pay close attention to what the line starts and ends with; now in the save highlight it all and replace it with what I provided. It will end right before the "Level":1},"Location":0,"Position":[0.0,0.0,0.0,-1.0],"Direction":[0.0,0.0,0.0,-1.0]},{
You can change Flaming Amber to whatever you'd like for your ship to be called.

"Flaming Amber","Resource":{"Filename":"MODELS\/COMMON\/SPACECRAFT\/S-CLASS\/BIOPARTS\/BIOSHIP_PROC.SCENE.MBIN","Seed":[true,"0x44F872AFC2BB8BD1"],"AltId":"","ProceduralTexture":{"Samplers":[]}},"Inventory":{"Slots":[{"Type":{"InventoryType":"Technology"},"Id":"^SHIPJUMP_ALIEN","Amount":200,"MaxAmount":200,"DamageFactor":0.0,"FullyInstalled":true,"Index":{"X":0,"Y":0}},{"Type":{"InventoryType":"Technology"},"Id":"^LAUNCHER_ALIEN","Amount":200,"MaxAmount":200,"DamageFactor":0.0,"FullyInstalled":true,"Index":{"X":1,"Y":0}},{"Type":{"InventoryType":"Technology"},"Id":"^WARP_ALIEN","Amount":0,"MaxAmount":120,"DamageFactor":0.0,"FullyInstalled":true,"Index":{"X":2,"Y":0}},{"Type":{"InventoryType":"Technology"},"Id":"^SHIELD_ALIEN","Amount":200,"MaxAmount":200,"DamageFactor":0.0,"FullyInstalled":true,"Index":{"X":3,"Y":0}},{"Type":{"InventoryType":"Technology"},"Id":"^SHIPGUN_ALIEN","Amount":100,"MaxAmount":100,"DamageFactor":0.0,"FullyInstalled":true,"Index":{"X":0,"Y":1}},{"Type":{"InventoryType":"Technology"},"Id":"^SHIPLAS_ALIEN","Amount":-1,"MaxAmount":100,"DamageFactor":0.0,"FullyInstalled":true,"Index":{"X":1,"Y":1}}],"ValidSlotIndices":[{"X":0,"Y":0},{"X":1,"Y":0},{"X":2,"Y":0},{"X":3,"Y":0},{"X":0,"Y":1},{"X":1,"Y":1},{"X":2,"Y":1},{"X":4,"Y":1},{"X":5,"Y":1},{"X":1,"Y":2},{"X":2,"Y":2},{"X":3,"Y":2},{"X":4,"Y":2},{"X":5,"Y":2},{"X":2,"Y":3},{"X":3,"Y":3},{"X":4,"Y":3},{"X":5,"Y":3},{"X":0,"Y":4},{"X":1,"Y":4},{"X":3,"Y":4},{"X":4,"Y":4}],"Class":{"InventoryClass":"S"},"SubstanceMaxStorageMultiplier":1,"ProductMaxStorageMultiplier":5,"BaseStatValues":[{"BaseStatID":"^SHIP_DAMAGE","Value":999999.0},{"BaseStatID":"^SHIP_SHIELD","Value":9999.0},{"BaseStatID":"^SHIP_HYPERDRIVE","Value":999999.0},{"BaseStatID":"^ALIEN_SHIP","Value":1.0}],"SpecialSlots":[],"Width":6,"Height":5,"IsCool":false,"Name":"","Version":1},"Inventory_TechOnly":{"Slots":[],"ValidSlotIndices":[{"X":1,"Y":0},{"X":2,"Y":0},{"X":3,"Y":0},{"X":4,"Y":0},{"X":5,"Y":0},{"X":0,"Y":1},{"X":1,"Y":1},{"X":2,"Y":1},{"X":3,"Y":1},{"X":4,"Y":1},{"X":5,"Y":1},{"X":6,"Y":1},{"X":1,"Y":2},{"X":2,"Y":2},{"X":3,"Y":2},{"X":4,"Y":2},{"X":5,"Y":2},{"X":0,"Y":3},{"X":4,"Y":3},{"X":5,"Y":3},{"X":6,"Y":3}],"Class":{"InventoryClass":"S"},"SubstanceMaxStorageMultiplier":1,"ProductMaxStorageMultiplier":5,"BaseStatValues":[{"BaseStatID":"^SHIP_DAMAGE","Value":999999.0},{"BaseStatID":"^SHIP_SHIELD","Value":9999.0},{"BaseStatID":"^SHIP_HYPERDRIVE","Value":999999.0},{"BaseStatID":"^ALIEN_SHIP","Value":1.0}],"SpecialSlots":[],"Width":7,"Height":4,"IsCool":false,"Name":"","Version":1},"InventoryLayout":{"Slots":10,"Seed":[true,"0x44F872AFC2BB8BD1"],

this is what it looks like

Here's some saves that already have living ships.
This is a creative mode save with 5 different living ship.
The red/black one only has the edited stats.
Living ship mission has been completed on this save.
As long as you have eggs in your inventory the alien ship
will encounter you while in a system and offer you a new
ship. More eggs can be purchased at the nexus from the quicksilver vendor.

Creative Mode Save -5 Living Ships

Here are the other ships from creative mode. The survival mode save only has the red/black one.

No Man's Sky - YouTube

And here's the survival mode save.
The living ship mission has not been completed on this save.
It will have to be completed before the alien ship will offer a new living ship on approach.

Survival Mode Save -1 Living Ship