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Well Known
November 8, 2020



Gamer - You get when you pop all the trophies

TUTORIAL 1 - play the last level of the tutorial and die
TUTORIAL 2 - play the last level of the tutorial and die

ADVENTURE 1 - play 1-11 in ADVENTURE and die for trophy
ADVENTURE 2 - play 3-11 in ADVENTURE and die for trophy
ADVENTURE 3 - play 5-11 in ADVENTURE and die for trophy
ADVENTURE 4 - play 6-15 in ADVENTURE and die for trophy

DO THE BELOW TROPHIES OFFLINE - Some issues of trophies not popping when online.

SINGLE TRAIN trophies - play single train and die for S A B C trophies

SCORE ATTACK trophies - play score attack and die for S A B C trophies

REGULAR trophies - Play regular and die for S A B C trophies

EXTREME trophies - play extreme and die for S A B C trophies​
Last edited:
Unfortunatly not i tried a few things via PSPAD to get it working on EU for a friend, i have uploaded multiple saves to savewizard with different star counts, thats the only way i know how to re region. i know the game is on the PS NOW usa, they have a 7 day trial, im not sure but im thinking this is a PS4 game and it can be downloaded to the console maybe it might be able to be access it via another account although i think its generally account locked.
Thanks so very much! This is a great save for a very difficult game!

(Your files in the CUSA04924.zip should be placed within a folder named "CUSA04924". Then that folder can be zipped and the resulting CUSA04924.zip will be usable by save wizard.)