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PS4 5.05 Jailbreak Info / HEN / Payloads / Community Trainer

[size=x-small]Welcome to my PS4 Tips & Tricks thread where you can learn on how to do certain steps on how to mod your games, profile Avatars and so much more! If you have any questions to ask feel free to ask them down below. [/size]

[size=x-small]Some info is typed out what I know if you know anything that you want me to add or the info is wrong please let me know so I re-sort it out. [/size]

[size=x-small]The topic's that are mentioned in this thread are;[/size]

[size=x-small]1. What can you do with a 5.05 PS4 Jailbreak?
2. What games can you mod?
3. Can you go online while running a 5.05 Firmware?
4. Can you get banned?
5. How can I change my Avatar for my profile?
6. What's HEN and the perks while HEN is activated?
7. How to inject a mod menu using Payload Injecter
8. Where can I get free games?
9. How can I get free games?
10. What is a Community Trainer & How to setup?
11. How do I activate Rebug Settings?
12. What can you do with Rebug Settings?
13. How to install.PKG files in Rebug Settings?
14. Can I jailbreak if my system is higher than 5.05
15. Can I jailbreak my system if I'm lower than 5.05?
16. What can I do in the User's Guide/Helpful Info?

[size=x-small]What can you do with a 5.05 PS4 Jailbreak?[/size]

[size=x-small]There are so many advantages you can do with a modded jailbreak PS4 that is running on a 5.05. First off you can mod any game you like as long as you have the correct game ID and the game version which quoted in Youtube Videos if you follow them.

You can download Linux and play on your steam games as long your console can run, if your PS4 Console CPU cant run you won't be able to run that game.
You can also play PS2 games which they are called PS2 Classics you can now build your own PS2 packed PKG files to install on your console! The tool used here, PS2 Classics GUI, makes this process extremely simple. Some games will not work and they will hard crash and won't work but some games do it all depends on the game itself. 

You can also change your avatar for your offline profile which is cool to use. It will cover your profile avatar when you select your offline user, the avatar will show on top of your screen to show what avatar you uploaded. A good fact to know your avatar will not disappear when you shut down your console it will stick when you log in the next time you're on your console. I will explain how to do that near the end of my thread.

[size=x-small]You can mod your favorite games offline like GTA5, Far Cry 5 and so on. The games that I listed may not be your favorite butt just giving you an example of what games you could mod. One of my favorite games to mod is GTA5 as there are tons of menus out there to try out. You must be on 1.0.0 to inject and use the mod menu's offline. *Remember: There's no access to online yet nothing hasn't been announced by the devs yet so remember your console is an exploit you can only mod offline for the time being thanks to HAN*.[/size]

[size=x-small]What games can you mod?[/size]

[size=x-small]There are many games out there in the community that you can grab to modify the games. You can go on PSXHax & darksoftware.xyz/ to download the mods and install them on your console using the Community Trainer. I will go in depth later on my thread on how to use the Community Trainer. You can mod roughly 202 games as a.PKG file that you can download yourself if there are games that you don't want to mod or not interested in the game's you can go ahead and delete the games to save some memory.200+ 5.05 Games 

Not to mention you can mod your games using the updated trainer that got updated to on 2nd of March of this year (2019) The CT has a new layout and simple to navigate across the programme. All you need to do is this;

1. Go into Settings and click on Helpful Guide tab 
2. Click on 5.05
3. Click on HEN
4. Then it will say HEN has loaded (HEN V1.7) 
5. Open the Community Trainer (Updated Version:
6. Type in your IP in the (IP Box/Check your IP in Settings > System 
7. Then click on "Inject" to inject the game you want to mod

[size=x-small]Can you go online while running a 5.05 Firmware? [/size]

[size=x-small]As we all know the current state of PS4 Modding (of course not in the bad way) the systems are all connected to a port and with LAN Connections so it's all offline for now. There are no further updates as for now when your console is jailbreak-able that you have access to go online. There's no such thing you can go online only if you connected with an exploit port LAN connection you can join your friends apart from that you can't do much at all apart from to mod offline as the system are all exploited. *YOU CAN NOT GO ONLINE ONLY CONNECT TO LAN CONNECTIONS TO PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS AT THE MOMENT. THERE ARE NO UPDATES TO CONNECT ONLINE YET. ALL SOURCES/VIDEOS SAYS THAT YOU CAN IT'S FAKE DON'T BELIVE IN THAT*[/size]

[size=x-small]Can you get banned?[/size]

[size=x-small]The answer is NO, you can't get banned from modding but you can get banned from doing the exploit wrong or if Sony decided to ban your current IP that you play on. Most of the time by resetting your internet home provider router you can get back online by resetting your router. It's simple as that really it's no if, buts, why & how! You may not know but SpecterDev is the dev for 5.05 firmware and other firmware devs that are working together to put 6.50 devkit together for everyone to enjoy.[/size]

[size=x-small]How can I change my Avatar for my profile?[/size]

[size=x-small]You may not know but when you buy yourself a 5.05 or whatever version PS4 Jailbreak you decide to get and when you create yourself an account for your console to play on it comes with a PlayStation default Avatar. This is when these instructions come in handy so listen up and follow what it says down below. [/size]

[size=x-small]*You will need a Modified PS4 Console on 5.05 version, a USB Drive, A system (PC/Laptop) of any sort that can save the data which you will need to create yourself to get the avatar you want.*

1. You will need a PS4 5.05 Console
2. You will need a USB (32 Fhat) to save your data
3. You need a device that you can edit/transfer your data on your USB
4. Get an image that you want for your PS4 Avatar, and make a folder in your Images Directory and name the folder that you will remember.
5. Click on this website to make your Avatar Image Converter from.PNG to DDS

You'll need 5 images in total to make your PlayStation 4 Avatar. 

1. First image named "avatar" in PNG Format Size: 440x440
2. Second image named "avatar64" in DDS Format Size: 64x64
3. Third image named "avatar123" in DDS Format Size: 128x128
4. Forth image named "avatar260" in DDS Format Size: 260x260
5. Firth image named "avatar440" in DDS Formate Size: 440x440 

If it's easier for you to follow the video if this doesn't make sense to read I understand. I find it easier to follow a video than read a harry potter book on how to create a mod/or in this case how to create an Avatar on 5.05. This video will explain in detail on how to get a custom avatar for your 5.05 console

[size=x-small]What's HEN and the perks while HEN is activated?[/size]

[size=x-small]I'm going to explain this in detail the easiest way I find what HEN is and the perks activating HEN V1.7 on your 5.05 console. Basically, if you have a PS3 Jailbreak you will understand what I mean by this but on PS3 you have a modded application that allows you to go online and that is PSN Patch but unfortunately it's NOT the same way as PS3 it's so different compared to PS3 of course. 

What you need to do is scroll across on the right-hand side so you can navigate to Settings and then User's Guide/Helpful Info and click on it and then it should direct you to two options just click on the User's Guide option. Once you've done that click on it and the exploit page made by Al Azif will appear. 

1. Click on 5.05
2. Then find the option HEN should be on the right-hand side 

The perks of activating HEN is that you'll be granted to access the Rebug Settings which is located in the Settings directory. The Rebug Settings is all the way at the bottom of the page you can not miss it. HEN V1.7 allows you to install by clicking into the Package Installer and so many options to choose from.

[size=x-small]How to inject a mod menu using Payload Injecter[/size]

[size=x-small]It's pretty simple when you get the hang of it but it's when you don't know how to inject menu's or you think it's hard to do. Places like Youtube is brilliant as you can watch tutorial video's and see for yourself how easy it really is. You need a computer to save and use the programme to get it up of course, with a device you can inject menus (with that I researched) You can download the Payload Injector by Warfare Modding 

When you open up the software you need to connect to your PS4 IP. How you figure out your PS4 Console IP you can go to Settings > System and it will show your IP. Type the IP on the application and make sure the port number is 9020 without that it will not work and will give you an error on the application. Now the third box is when you select a.BIN folder to inject. 

I always find it easier to put the folders on your desktop so it's easier for you to navigate and select the menus what you want to inject. *Make sure the game version is the correct version otherwise that will give you an error also* Once you've selected your menu which is a (.BIN File) you can click on the "Inject" button. 

Some games you'll be notified the payload has been injected or it will say you need to launch the game first for the payload to work. You'll get notofied if the menu has been injected correctly and how to open the menu so keep an eye out for that.

[size=x-small]Where can I get free games? [/size]

[size=x-small]How to get free game for your 5.05 console is pretty simple. Here is a link where you can download games for free; Free 5.05 Games . These games are .PKG Files so you will need to enable HEN for the games to be unlocked you can't just play on the games that not how it works. It also depends on the size of the file of the.PKG file, the higher the size the longer it will take to download. Go into Rebug Settings > Package Installer and then choose the game you want to install first. [/size]

[size=x-small]What is a Community Trainer & How to setup? [/size]

[size=x-small]A community Trainer is an application for your device desktop to use that you mod your games on, Example: You connect your IP to the application and you can inject the game you want to your exploit console. You can mod whatever game you want as long the game is on the community trainer itself & the game version is the correct version to mod otherwise you're going to have an error when injecting the mod on the game you want to mod. [/size]

[size=x-small]How to Setup?[/size]

[size=x-small]1. You can download the updated version that DeathRGH updated on the 2nd of March of this month. (February) Community Trainer ( 
2. Open up the application and enter in your IP
3. On the far left-hand side of the application, you see a search box, enter the game you want to mod.
4. Click on the Inject button to inject the game that you want to mod and notification the appear on your screen to say your game has been injected. 
5. Once clicked on the game you want to mod and the mod has been injected you now can clcik the option which shows for that game. Enjoy modding!

[size=x-small]How do I activate Rebug Settings?[/size]

[size=x-small]This one is pretty simple as when you activate HEN V1.7 Rebug Settings is activated at the same time you activate HEN V1.7, so how you activate Rebug Settings is that you scroll across to Settings on far right-hand side and then click on User's Guide/Helpful Info. Then by clicking on User's Guide. Then a page will direct you to the Exploit Host Page by Al Azif Click on 5.05 then HEN When you've done that a notification will pop up saying HEN has been activated.It's that simple on how to enable Rebug Settings. [/size]

[size=x-small]What can you do with Rebug Settings?[/size]

[size=x-small]You can install/use Rebug Settings for many of things and one of the biggest perks activating Rebug Settings in the HEN page is that you can Install Package files > Upload.PKG files which is handy if you want free games, install package files if you want to upload your very own theme for your account and so much more you can do. (I'm only stating what you can do in a short descriptive paragraph as that's all I know) *Will be updated when I know a lot more*[/size]

[size=x-small]How to install.PKG files in Rebug Settings? [/size]

[size=x-small]How to install.PKG files in Rebug Settings, this one is an easy one to follow. Click on Settings > Rebug Settings > Game > Package Installer. Once you're there you can choose files to download. If you have.PKG files which are for your PS3 Jailbreak I would advise you to transfer them on another USB Drive or remove them from your USB Drive completely so you don't get mixed up which.PKG file to download, but that's how you install a .PKG file it's easy, right? [/size]

[size=x-small]Can I jailbreak if my system is higher than 5.05 [/size]

[size=x-small]The answer is YES you may not be filled in but SpectorDev is working on a 6.50 exploit, the devkit is in the works while I type this out. You can jailbreak your console to 6.50 and still use your payload mods and tools to mod on your games. If you're new to the community I would jailbreak your console to 4.55 or 5.05 but 5.05 is more reasonable to be on for a standard user learning on basics. 

Download 4.55 .PUP File
Download 5.05.PUP File

You can see your current firmware MDS and maybe update to the firmware you would like to update on. It's your choice but it's not my fault if your console gets damaged in the downloading progress. Just my disclaimer there you download with your own risk PS4 DKS Firmware List

[size=x-small]Can I jailbreak my system if I'm lower than 5.05?[/size]

[size=x-small] [/size]

[size=x-small]Yes, you can jailbreak your system if you're on a lower end firmware but you can't jailbreak your system if your firmware is too high. You can't downgrade your system at all, only way doing this is to get a compatible system or get a system that is already on a jailbroken firmware that is lower than 5.05 and update it. You can't go online with the jailbreak exploit. [/size]

Thank you for this post.

Could you tell us how do we change the CUSA, Title ID . This seems to be a secret in the JB Scene for no reason. I use save wizard and JB 5.05 with save wizard it's pretty easy to change the region but JB kinda tricky.

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