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Save Wizard Resign Tutorial ( Easy / Alternative method )



Skilled Gamer
September 26, 2019
​Today i make this tutorial , for someone that still fails to resign save. Because Save Wizard support only .zip file extension.
(I know this could be useless for many)


Ok let's go :

1- You need the save you want to resign ( I use for this example one download from Ps4 Save Directory thread).

Furi (CUSA04129) [1 image]

2-Create on USB drive this path: PS4\SAVEDATA\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(create new profile folder. I use number 0 but you can use what you want).Extract save and copy into it. [1 image]

3-Open Save Wizard and select Re-Sign tab and click, select save to want resign, Re-sign option and click. [2 images]

3.1-Select profile that you want resign and click Apply. [1 image]

3.2-Wait to done and if all correct you see like this. [2 images]

4-Now you see the new save with your profile in the list of game [1 image]

5-Now you are done and can use your new save game! ENJOY!!:D:P​
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I have always preferred this method. It can save a ton of time when you're resigning a number of saves from the same game -- but different filenames -- at the same time. You still need to resign the saves one at a time, but there's less work in between each resigning operation. I only use the Import function if I'm dealing with a single save to resign that also happens to be zipped into the correct format.
here's an extra tip bit to restore savewizard's backup files just add the .zip extention to any of the .bak files it makes, or rename the .bak to .zip they are only compressed thats all..
beats using their complicated "restore" option + if you nuked all ur saves at least you can restore this way 100%.
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Good morning Gippi, I've been looking to finally mod a save on Gran Turismo 7 and its been extremely difficult even figuring it out and scratching the surface. I wanted to add credits to the account, however, I cant seem to see Gran Turismo on the list for games to even modify. I was contemplating on buying Save Wizard but I dont want to buy it to find out I Cant mod the only game I play.

If you could guide me or lend me a hand, I would gladly appreciate it.