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US Shadows: Awakening - Ultimate Save Set [CUSA10425]


October 14, 2020

It's Done!

I can consider a complete save set due to the complexity of getting each trophy from the game shadows awakening, be aware that the saves i'll post won't be in order, i'll be playing and modifying according to each trophy.

Kill some enemies to level up.

Kill some enemies to level up.

Kill some enemies to level up.

Access the game menu go to skills and evolve any of them to level 3.

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Keep going and kill the boss.

===>BELIEVER? OR SUCKER?<===40-silver.png
throw as much silver as possible into the well in front of you until the trophy pops.

===>CATCH THIS!<===40-bronze.png
Keep going and kill the boss.

===>THE GREAT ESCAPE<===40-bronze.png
Break down the door in front of you.

===>THE LORD OF SUFFERING<===40-bronze.png
Talk to the NPC and always choose the first option in the dialogues.

Enter the door in front of you and destroy some objects.

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===>BEGUILE THE SERPENT WYRM<===40-bronze.png
talking with "Grabaak" below are the dialogue options I choose:

''i bear the serpent crown''.
''dost thou know how to destroy the crucible of souls''.
''thou knowest how to destroy the cauldron then''.
''thou choosest not to see at all''.
''where art this place''.
''thou art imprission here forever''.
''thou detroyest worlds for your own amusement''.
''what can i do so that thou wuldst tell me how to destroy the cauldron''.
''with the serpent crown i am thy equal''.
''i eased thy boredome''.

===>HARMONY IN PARSIMONY<===40-bronze.png
Talk to the NPC and sell some essences until the trophy pops.

===>I COMMAND THEE!<===40-bronze.png
just walk forward, after the dialog the trophy drops.

===>NOBODY EXPECTED THIS<===40-silver.png
Open your inventory and equip ''High Inquisitor Gloves''.

===>TO BE CONTINUED<===40-bronze.png
Keep going and kill the boss.

===>WOOD 'N' WASP<===40-silver.png
Go ahead.

To see this hidden content, you must react with one of the following reactions : Like Like, Love Love

===>DEVOURER OF PUPPET<===40-silver.png
Just talk to the NPC in front of you.

===>THE END?, OLDSCHOOL & THE HERETIC KINGDOMS<===40-silver.png40-silver.png40-silver.png
Talk to the NPC and kill the boss.

===>WE DESERVE TO DIE & RELICS OF THE FALLEN<===40-bronze.png40-silver.png
Just kill the boss, and then keep advancing the conversations until the other trophy pops.

===>WE MUST BECOME STRONGER<===40-bronze.png
Keep going and kill the boss.

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Interact with the door in front of you and choose the third option in the dialog.

===>DEMISE OF THE DEMONTAMER<===40-bronze.png
Go ahead and kill the boss.

Talk to the NPC and always choose the first answer.

===>REGAIN THE GUILD<===40-bronze.png
Interact with the door in front of you, then choose the first option in the dialogue and kill the boss.

===>SYMPATHY FOR THE SURA<===40-bronze.png
Talk to the NPC in front of you.

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===>DRACON TAMER<===40-silver.png
Go to the sanctuary and exchange any character for DRACONITE, if the trophy doesn't pop out of the character screen, save it and choose it by pressing the L1 or R1 buttons.

===>ESPIONAGE & DARIUS AND FALON<===40-bronze.png40-silver.png
Talk to the NPC in front of you and choose the following answer:
''Where's your mother?''

continue advancing through the dialogs and choose the following responses:
''I have fought this demon of Krenze's.''
''Are there other enemies we should be concerned about?''
''The conclave has fallen.''
''The final curse of the conclave is broken.''

Now load the save again and choose the wrong answers, or try to leave the place and you will be arrested, then just absolve the soul of the mouse for the trophy ''darius and falon'' to pop.

===>GIT GUD<===40-bronze.png
Die 2 more times in the lasers.

===>GLORIOUS ERUDITION<===40-silver.png
Take the book in front of you, then open the inventory and read the books one by one.
or just what you collected.

===>LIBERATE CORWENTH<===40-bronze.png
Talk to the NPC in front of you for the demon to take Darius' soul.

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===>RAID THE IMPERIAL TOMBS<===40-bronze.png
Go ahead and kill the boss.

===>THE EYES OF WORLDS<===40-gold.png
Load the save 5/3/2023 5:14 PM
talk to the NPC and kill the bosses.

Note: with that same save you can get the trophy ''Realm of Indecision'' just keep switching between shadow and mortal until the trophy pops.

===>THE LAST GREYCLAWS STAFF<===40-bronze.png
Talk to the stone in front of you and choose the ''MOON'' answer.

===>VETERAN'S DAY<===40-bronze.png
follow the objective and choose the following answers in the dialog:

''I recognize your voice''
''Why keep your human form?''
''We may be able to cure you...''
''Surrender, Sankr - I will see you get a fair trial''
''You are the victims here...''

===>ZAAR GETS LUCKY!<===40-bronze.png
Talk to the NPC in front of you.

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===>RESTORE HOUSE MALFAGON<===40-bronze.png
Enter the door in front of you.

===>GOT GUD<===40-gold.png
Enter the door and talk to the NPC in the center of the room and kill the boss!

NOTE: To use this save you need to download the 1.0 version of the game, only in this version the trophy ''GOT GUD'' can pop, or you can wait for the developers to fix it in the next update

To see this hidden content, you must react with one of the following reactions : Like Like, Love Love

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