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EU Starter Sifu - Start save [CUSA25761]


Saves R Us
October 21, 2020

Hi, I'm sharing my save. I grind XP to unlock the best permanent skills. I completed the 4th level (The Tower) and did it with no deaths. So you go into the final level at age 20. Hope this helps. This game is brutally hard. Like Sekiro. :peperun:

Download -


Platinum save with all trophy's unlocked here -
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Updated the save. Managed to get no deaths on the first level. So you be at the starting age of 20 going into the 2nd level (The Club). Also unlocked some more permanent upgrades. Will keep updating as I will be trying to platinum this.
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I don’t think so. You can beat the first level again and get the achievements.

Btw i nearly done the 2nd level with 0 deaths. Will upload soon if I manage it. Playing right now, in middle of a run.
I don’t think so. You can beat the first level again and get the achievements.

Btw i nearly done the 2nd level with 0 deaths. Will upload soon if I manage it. Playing right now, in middle of a run.

thank u a lot ..
before every boss there is a checkpoint ..
if u can make the save from this checkpoint i will be thankful cause if u killed him we cant have the trophy for killing him..
thank u again for yr hard work ..
thank u a lot ..
before every boss there is a checkpoint ..
if u can make the save from this checkpoint i will be thankful cause if u killed him we cant have the trophy for killing him..
thank u again for yr hard work ..

ok, i will do that soon with each boss.

I managed to do the second level (the club) with 0 deaths, uploading now. Hard as nails that end boss. His low sweep is a bastard to predict.