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EU South Park: The Stick of Truth Save Set

This is not a Trophy Set. I probably should've mentioned that before. It's a pack of my saves made throughout the game. This is an upload for people who missed the missable trophies, so they can go back and finish them. I guess getting hard-to-get trohpies like the ones with chipokomons requires you to only load up a certain save and find the last one (this is an example, you may use it to collect anything/finish the last quest etc.)

I don't know where I saved those games exactly, and this is the main flaw of this pack. If you want to use it and make your life easier by just loading certain save, you must resign each one of them, and check in the game where they are saved. If you're looking for a certain trophy (like the one with chipokomons, again) search for a save where I'm about to get the last of them (refer to roadmaps to find last chipokomon, and find a save where you collect this one).

This is as far as I can help you. Try looking for other trophy packs (I guess there are others) if you're looking for a fast-way trophy.