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EU Space Hulk Deathwing enhanced edition little SAVE SET [CUSA08573]


Well Known
February 17, 2021

I made this game with the extra subscription, and I couldn't find any savegames here, so I made savegames for the most time consuming trophies:
Version of the game : EU CUSA08573 Space Hulk Deathwing enhanced edition

If you want it to look legit, I advise you to do the following trophies before using the first save (the kill trophies can be done in multiplayer with a password in mission 3, so you are solo, or you can start a campaign)

Mutant Sorcerer Hunter
Kill a Hybrid Psyker

Master of Systems
Lock a door aboard the Olethros.

Stalker-strain Killer
Kill a stalker-strain Genestealer

Warrior-strain Slayer
Kill a warrior-strain Genestealer

Brute Force
Destroy a door aboard the Olethros

For the Chapter!
Kill 666 enemies

Here are 3 saves for the most boring trophies of Space HULK Deathwing.

First save All_Abilities_trophies: All Abilities trophies Space HULK Deathwing they trophy :
Flame Psyker
Learn Inferno

Destruction Psyker
Learn Vortex Of Doom

Complete the Devotion branch

Complete the Command branch

Great Psyker
Complete the Psy branch

for all the abilites trophies, you just have to load the auto save 1, wait for the mission to end (I'm on the extraction place, you just have to wait without moving) when the mission ends, go through the menus until you arrive on the skills. You just have to climb a skill tree to the max with my points (I have enough for all the trophies), once the totality put in a skill tree, validated with the START key of the controller, the trophy will pop, you will just have to reload the AUTO Save 1 and to redo this step 2 times.

I advise you once the skills and trophies are unlocked, to do at least the first objective of mission 7, you will then have the trophy on the first objective

Broodlord Killer
Kill a Broodlord

and surely the trophy on the waves of enemies :
Scythe-strain Killer
Kill a scythe-strain Genestealer

2 hours later, you can use this save for the most buggy trophy in the game! "TIME LORD" :
Time Lord Trophy (last relic)
Time Lord
Find all the major relics in the main campaign.

Load the Psygate save, and the last major relic is right in front of you, just pick it up with X

for this last save, you can wait 5h - 6h, you just have to do 121 kill and the trophy For Honour!
Kill 10,000 enemies
For honor Trophy 10,000kills

need 121 Kills for the trophy 10k Kills
(can do it in multiplayer private with a password)

for the trophy: Brother In Arms
Perform 1,111 assists in multiplayer mode or the special missions.

I already have it on my savegame for the last relic (TIME LORD), if by doing an online assistance you don't have the trophy, I advise you to delete all the savegames and go do it by boosting with a friend, by doing the last trophies of climbing the classes in multiplayer, because I don't know if it's retroactive

Enjoy, for your information this game is really not that good. I wish there were saves to save me time... So I hope this helps you