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Well Known
May 16, 2021
Update! Nightmare mode. scroll down...

I just uploaded this one save before the start of the mission "Olduvai Dig Site". in missions 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, I collected every datapad. so I'm assuming that only those 8 datapads in Olduvai Dig Site and the 4 datapads in Xeno-City are missing

The save is before the mission "Olduvai Dig Site" There are 8 datapads and also a queen. The last queen... it's the mission before the xeno city. Immediately afterwards and without returning to Otago, we go straight to the xeno city where there are 4 more datapads. There are no more missable datapads, because the 8 datapads in "Olduvai Dig Site" cannot be missed and the 4 datapads in the Xeno-City are very easy to get

Before the final mission. there are still 4 days left.
it's the story mode. In the last mission you can find the last remaining Datapads, they cannot be missed.

The following trophies can be earned.

Kill every Queen during a campaign.

Heavy steps
Lure a Queen into a Mine.

Colonial Barrels
Kill an enemy by using an explosive barrel.

Damn Dude, You Gotta Lose Some Weight!
Secure an unconscious marine.

Omelette Du Fromage
Destroy 4 eggs with one grenade or an RPG shot.

Recouped Investment
Have one Sentry kill at least 10 aliens.

Stuff Of Nightmares
Save a Marine from being incubated.

This Was No Papercut
Save a marine from dying of Bleeding.

Keep 'Em Coming
Kill every Alien of a Massive Onslaught.

Snatched Out
Prevent a marine from being Abducted.

The True Experience
In any mission, complete at least one objective with only one marine in the squad.

The Shrink Hates Me
Remove a Trait from a marine.

Call Me Snake
Kill an enemy before they detect the squad.

Perfect Enhancements
During a campaign, unlock every Xeno Tech.

People Person
During a campaign, secure 5 survivors.

Flawless Victory
Keep all of your marines alive during a campaign.

Gather all datapads.


Nightmare mode complete. 100% all datapads, all side missions completed and all Marines alive.
Last save point in the xeno city before the end of the game.
Just keep running and escaping until the end.

Aliens Dark Descent Nightmare

Perfect Organism
Finish the game on "No One Can Hear Them Scream" mode.
Last save point in the xeno city before the end of the game.
Just keep running and escaping until the end.

Aliens Dark Descent Perfect Organism Trophy Mode No One Can Hear Them Scream

this is the save before the last mission "Olduvai Dig Site" difficulty nightmare.

Aliens Dark Descent Nightmare before Last Mission Olduvai Dig Site
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Attention, I'm currently playing on nightmare.

It will definitely take me a while to get my feet wet.

It would be nice if someone took care of the trophy

Perfect Organism

Finish the game on "No One Can Hear Them Scream" mode.

No One Can Hear Them Scream is really easy if you put the story difficulty on it because it's auto save the hard moments ( in the ship when you is alone with the alien you have a bunch of autosaves in last mission xeno city too) and you have one save if you recover in one room with 1 deployment day ( you cannot have two save with 1 deplyoment day ) the problem on this game is the time consuming for upgrade one army of soldiers you can farm it before the mission start days counter game over it's take over 30 hours for have marines upgraded but you can have a bunch and more of soldiers , i have doing one first story run for learning the game ( he is very hard at high difficulty) but when you learned the story difficulty , i have doing one more run because missed xenomorph items , i have found the game really easy when i have played it again , just put 2 sentry gun in one room when you have the xenomorph army running on you.

No One Can Hear Them Scream is really easy if you put the story difficulty on it because it's auto save the hard moments ( in the ship when you is alone with the alien you have a bunch of autosaves in last mission xeno city too) and you have one save if you recover in one room with 1 deployment day ( you cannot have two save with 1 deplyoment day ) the problem on this game is the time consuming for upgrade one army of soldiers you can farm it before the mission start days counter game over it's take over 30 hours for have marines upgraded but you can have a bunch and more of soldiers , i have doing one first story run for learning the game ( he is very hard at high difficulty) but when you learned the story difficulty , i have doing one more run because missed xenomorph items , i have found the game really easy when i have played it again , just put 2 sentry gun in one room when you have the xenomorph army running on you.

if you have the No One Can Hear Them Scream trophy, please upload your save here. and if you have nightmare difficulty it would also be very nice if you uploaded it here, it would save me a lot of time.

i am sorry i have doing the no one can hear them scream trophy in the past but forget to add here , and i have lost it. but it's really easy you do not have to worry about it , on story mode / auto save on missions are hard it's a piece of cake.

If someone add the nightmare save trophy , unlocking the another difficulty ( rumors said it's stack the difficulty , you unlock nightmare , you unlock hard / standard too), if someone add the nightmare difficulty save trophy , yes i can do it again , i am on a lot of games , very busy , but i can do it if i have the nightmare trophy , but i repeat sorry , it's really really easy to do the no one can hear them scream trophy.

My man,this save is useless,you can't get the all collectibles trophies because you're missing the rest of the collectibles in all the other levels...same with the trophy about killing all queens,they re all already death...

My man,this save is useless,you can't get the all collectibles trophies because you're missing the rest of the collectibles in all the other levels...same with the trophy about killing all queens,they re all already death...

I just uploaded this one save before the start of the mission "Olduvai Dig Site". in missions 1 to 9, I collected every datapad. so I'm assuming that only those 8 datapads in Olduvai Dig Site and the 4 datapads in Xenostadt are missing

The save is before the mission "Olduvai Dig Site" There are 8 datapads and also a queen. The last queen... it's the mission before the xeno city. Immediately afterwards and without returning to Otago, we go straight to the xeno city where there are 4 more datapads. There are no more missable datapads, because the 8 datapads in "Olduvai Dig Site" cannot be missed and the 4 datapads in the xeno city are very easy to get
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Incorrect,you miss every collectible in every level,and you only have 4 days for deploy,if you don't believe me check it out by yourself,the only trophy i get with that save is adquiere every xenotech available.

So I have now uploaded all my saves from DARK DESCENT to the cloud. then deleted all saves from DARK DESCENT on the console. Then I downloaded my own save and loaded it onto the Playstation, started it and saw that every mission was 100% and I had 4 days for Olduvai Dig Site and then Xeno City.

I can upload a few pictures for you or a short video where you can see it.

When i have loaded the save it's show 100% datapad on all missions , without olduvai dig site / xeno city are 0/0 collectibles but i have not doing it , because it's take over 3-4 hours for doing the olduvai site and xeno city , i doing it later maybe , i am on NFSUNBOUND at the moment.

i am really happy to have your save schwibbel988 and thank you , i have not used it now because i play another games. but i checked it.

When i have loaded the save it's show 100% datapad on all missions , without olduvai dig site / xeno city are 0/0 collectibles but i have not doing it , because it's take over 3-4 hours for doing the olduvai site and xeno city , i doing it later maybe , i am on NFSUNBOUND at the moment.

i am really happy to have your save schwibbel988 and thank you , i have not used it now because i play another games. but i checked it.

I'm in nightmare mode now. Mission 8. It's going quite well and will upload the save when I manage to do it. could you get me a save where I can unlock the "Perfect Organism" trophy?
Finish the game on "No One Can Hear Them Scream" mode. Because I probably won't want to start over again with this mode.