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Read before posting: Thread layout + more



January 12, 2019
For the thread titles please use this following format

Prefix Name of the game What kind of save [CUSA]


For the thread itself it is required to leave info about the save what it has or what it does or what trophies it gets you
all saves that get uploaded from now on (November 2020] That don't have this and aren't tested will be trashed

It probally sounds silly but its important for the google ranking for this forum + so people don't put their time in resigning something that had 0 use
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Idk the CUSA helps a lot with the google searches that is why its kinda important to add it there

I know what you mean, I use CUSA if it's only one region, but for multi region it become too long. On titles I might not include it but in post itself have it, usually titles for download link. It might not be problem here but on NGU titles tites start to broke. But if CUSA need to be on titles I need to figure out how to name titles especially those "The Complete Platinum Save-Set"
I know what you mean, I use CUSA if it's only one region, but for multi region it become too long. On titles I might not include it but in post itself have it, usually titles for download link. It might not be problem here but on NGU titles tites start to broke. But if CUSA need to be on titles I need to figure out how to name titles especially those "The Complete Platinum Save-Set"

Don't know what the chrachter limit is on here but for example instead of The Complete Platinum Save Set you could use Platinum Save Set to make it a little bit shorter